8th March 10, 09:37 AM
I'm a little bit Scottish
Likely very very little, but it's true! I just found out that I have Ancestors from Scotland 
I'm not exactly sure where yet, but I think my Dad has the information.
Pretty cool, huh?
8th March 10, 10:08 AM
Discoveries through genealogy is a very cool thing.
[SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]T. E. ("TERRY") HOLMES[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]proud descendant of the McReynolds/MacRanalds of Ulster & Keppoch, Somerled & Robert the Bruce.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]"Ah, here comes the Bold Highlander. No @rse in his breeks but too proud to tug his forelock..." Rob Roy (1995)[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
8th March 10, 11:42 AM
a little bit Scottish
try www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk - the official Government pay-per-view website, if your Dad hasn't already
8th March 10, 12:01 PM
Doesn't surprise me one bit- clearly you were drawn to this site for a reason, the psychic tugs of the ancestors or whatever. And the Scots are pretty frisky too, so they get around.
8th March 10, 01:12 PM
 Originally Posted by Canuck of NI
Doesn't surprise me one bit- clearly you were drawn to this site for a reason, the psychic tugs of the ancestors or whatever.
I think you have hit on something very true here, I have thought that as well!
8th March 10, 07:40 PM
Personally, I always knew my dad's mom was a McPherson, but doing some serious genealogy research revealed several other clans in the family tree as well. Keep on it!
8th March 10, 07:45 PM
8th March 10, 09:16 PM
 Originally Posted by ali8780
Likely very very little, but it's true! I just found out that I have Ancestors from Scotland 
I am going to digress a bit from your post with this idea.
I was told the same thing as you, by many relatives that were very sure we had Scottish in us. I did a lot of genealogy and found the story ended right when a bit of my family landed in America from Scotland. In my pursuit, I heard you could do the DNA test to open up dead ends, and I tried it.
I assumed the test would come back with certain information. I was shocked. The results were completely opposite from what I was told, by otherwise knowing relatives who talked about it in great detail, with some records as well. In short, they were not 100% accurate.
After getting my test, I felt from that moment on I was just a human. After all I had genetic markers from Austria, Italy, Spain, France, Sweden, Germany, England, Ireland, and then based out of Sudan Africa as the main male marker (down to specific areas within those countries). I found out I had more in common genetically with people living in Queensland Australia, than any other place on the planet.
I found this all out after I started getting interested in Kilts and Bagpiping (my two big passions). I sometimes wonder had I known what I know now, would I really engaged these two passions the same way then. Probably not, I would be on the lederhosen forum talking about the doodlepipes probably, but even before I was not eaten up with Scottish Culture per say. I do like it, but there is just something unique that I like about the Kilt, and then unique about the GHB's, and they both just happen to come from Scotland for me.
At least looking at the whole deal, I can see how having some Scottish is nice, and probably keeps all this going, but in the end, we are all unique snowflakes just trying to have some fun.
I would also like to point out that Scotland/England was apparently a good place to catch a ride to the new world, back in the day, back in the old country.
9th March 10, 01:11 AM
Please tell us when you know more, Ali.
Robert Amyot-MacKinnon
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