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  1. #11
    macwilkin is offline
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    I just ran across this interesting snippet from a booklet distributed to all American service personnel who were stationed in Australia during WWII:

    "...There is one thing to get straight, right off the bat. You aren't in Australia to save a helpless people from the savage Jap. Maybe there are fewer people in Australia than in New York City, but their soldiers, in this war and the last, built up a great fighting record. For three years now they have fought on nearly every battle front of the war; they've suffered heavy losses in Crete, Libya, Greece and Malaya, and they're still in there pitching.

    The Australians need our help in winning this war, of course, but we need theirs just as much."

    'nuff said.


  2. #12
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    Sadly the day has was marked by a tragedy, an Air Force Iroquois from 3 Sqd flew / or fell into a mountain on route to a display for ANZAC day.
    Sitting in the RSA having a quiet beer or 7, an old ship mate informed us that one of our number from basic training was the sole survivor from a total of 4.

    Our thoughts and best wishes are with him, and those who lost their loved ones.


  3. #13
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    Lest we forget

    Whether they are lost during peacetime or during conflict, they deserve our thanks and rememberance

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Far NW Corner of Washington State, USA (48° 45' 51.5808" N / -122° 30' 36.6228" W)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Downunder Kilt View Post
    Lest we forget

    Whether they are lost during peacetime or during conflict, they deserve our thanks and rememberance
    [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]T. E. ("TERRY") HOLMES[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]proud descendant of the McReynolds/MacRanalds of Ulster & Keppoch, Somerled & Robert the Bruce.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"]"Ah, here comes the Bold Highlander. No @rse in his breeks but too proud to tug his forelock..." Rob Roy (1995)[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

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