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Thread: Wedding help??

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Wedding help??

    My daughter finally announced the date of her nuptials this past Saturday. It will be a small informal ceremony in one of the pavilions in City Park in New Orleans the end of June (roughly seven weeks). I was also informed, in no uncertain terms, that the groom, the best man and the father of the bride WILL be kilted. (Grooms father absolutely refuses.) Because summer in New Orleans is hot, the attending guests are being told to wear shorts, sundresses, flip-flops, etc. for comforts sake. I know the groom is wearing a jacobite shirt for the ceremony, the best man is wearing some type of jacket (not sure what kind). My daughter said that she was getting t-shirts made up that say "Groom", "Best Man" and "Father of the Bride" for us to wear after the ceremony during the reception for comfort sake.

    To the crux of the matter...
    I've looked at the "1 Kilt, 10 Looks" thread many many times. Tried to search any pertinent threads. I don't have a kilt jacket of any kind. The only sporran I own at this time is a simple black casual. I am on a tight budget. A new sporran probably would not be a stretch. This will be the first time I will be wearing a kilt other than for the most casual activity.

    What does the rabble suggest/recommend that I do to show at least some formality for the ceremony. I have a 6 button brown suede leather vest that I could wear a shirt and tie under. Good idea? Bad idea? I would have to get a brown belt and shoes if I go that route. What kind of sporran should I go for with that combination. I won't have a waist plate, so I was thinking maybe a more formal one with a cantle.

    Any and all suggestions are welcome at this point.

  2. #2
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    Hmm, my suggestion is to stay with all black attire....shoes, sporran, vest. Black is definitely more formal than brown. Wear a four in hand tie, black, or a solid that would complement the kilt. If your budget is tight, then look at jhiggins.net for a black vest. At $65 it's a great deal.

    Just my take on it! Hope it helps.

  3. #3
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    Your daughter has planned a very informal wedding, and it will be outside in New Orleans in June. You really need to dress for comfort, if only to avoid heat stroke. Your daughter's wedding is a very special occasion for you and you want to honor it, but you do need to be realistic. A jacket or particularly a buttoned suede vest will be too warm, and you will sweat excessively. I would follow the groom's example and wear a nice shirt for the ceremony. A tie would be nice, if that's what you want to wear. Try to find a light weight cotton shirt; it will be more comfortable than a polyester shirt. Whether you choose a dress or a casual shirt, you can have both style and comfort. Good luck, and most of all, enjoy the wedding.

  4. #4
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    Duplicate post deleted.
    Jim Killman
    Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
    Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.

  5. #5
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    I've been toying with the idea of a linen kilt jacket for summer wear. (I am difinitely ordering a custom made linen suit for summer, but that's another story.)

    If you can find a black or blue linen jacket, a tailor would cut it down for a pretty small fee. I know even Penney's had some in stock last year. Seems to me a linen kilt jacket would be pretty cool. (pun intende.)

    Otherwise, dress shirt and vest make a pretty nice yet casual outfit as stated above. I would keep it black or navy so as to avoid looking like some kid who doesn't know better. Keep us posted.
    Jim Killman
    Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
    Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.

  6. #6
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    You say you have a plain black sporran, lets start with that, for a kilt belt there is a recent thread about a workmans belt bought from one of your hardware depot type stores for $10 and dyed ( Sorry don't have thread to hand but it was very recent) Next shoes, a cheap pair of black oxfords. I personally think a white cotton business shirt, with an appropiate tie would complete the outfit (I am trying to bear in mind that it will likely to be stinking hot over there)
    As everyone else is to be dressed a la casual I don't think anyone would expect you to be in a jacket (Talk to your daughter, she is making allowances for the guests)

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    As this is pretty much an informal gathering--and it will be hot as blazes-- here is what I would recommend you wear:

    1. Your kilt.
    2. A white cotton or linen shirt...either with a spread collar or button down collar.
    3. A nice neck tie.
    4. Your black sporran
    5. Hose of any colour besides white and black. What tartan are you wearing?
    6. Black shoes.

    Simple, as cool as is possible. Forget a belt. Forget a jacket ( unless you have the time and resources to have a linen or hopsack kilt jacket made up ). Don't worry about it all, and have a grand time!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by JSFMACLJR View Post
    As this is pretty much an informal gathering--and it will be hot as blazes-- here is what I would recommend you wear:

    1. Your kilt.
    2. A white cotton or linen shirt...either with a spread collar or button down collar.
    3. A nice neck tie.
    4. Your black sporran
    5. Hose of any colour besides white and black. What tartan are you wearing?
    6. Black shoes.

    Simple, as cool as is possible. Forget a belt. Forget a jacket ( unless you have the time and resources to have a linen or hopsack kilt jacket made up ). Don't worry about it all, and have a grand time!
    Sounds good to me. Have fun!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by JSFMACLJR View Post
    As this is pretty much an informal gathering--and it will be hot as blazes-- here is what I would recommend you wear:

    1. Your kilt.
    2. A white cotton or linen shirt...either with a spread collar or button down collar.
    3. A nice neck tie.
    4. Your black sporran
    5. Hose of any colour besides white and black. What tartan are you wearing?
    6. Black shoes.

    Simple, as cool as is possible. Forget a belt. Forget a jacket ( unless you have the time and resources to have a linen or hopsack kilt jacket made up ). Don't worry about it all, and have a grand time!
    Sounds spot-on to me. I might change the tie out for a simple black vest if you choose. I've wore both with a crisp white shirt, hose that coordinate with my kilt, nice oxfords and a day sporran to many mid-casual affairs. Just dressy enough, yet comfortable as well. In what you discribe as a rather informal affair, I'd say the jacket would be a bit much, add to that the wonderful heat and humidity of the Crescent City in June.

    You'll look great, your daughter will be proud and you'll have a great time. Congratulations!
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  10. #10
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    Just to be a right royal pain, I have to jump in and say that if you want to wear white kilt hose, go right ahead.

    If the groom is wearing a jacobite-style shirt, why can't YOU wear a Jacobite style shirt?

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