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Thread: Wood Badge

  1. #11
    Join Date
    3rd December 06
    Laramie, WY
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    I must say I am looking forward to it. As for wearing with the uniform, our local exec has made the kilt an event specific duty uniform. So not at ceremonies or such, but when camping, hiking, and at local meetings we have his approval.

    I was thinking brown leathers as well. But I will miss my Stillwater Nightstalker sporran an awful lot. As for a kilt pin, I was thinking of just finding a nice simple one that represented the patrol I will be in.

    I am still looking for a patrol hat that is in my price range, but I have some time.


  2. #12
    Join Date
    26th March 08
    Way up north, Fl
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    Light or dark brown looks great with the tartan. My head dress is the campaign hat. Thinking of getting a caubeen for cold days. Can't go wrong by going to the scout shop for accessories. Boots (hiking, hi-top, desert) are a must; they look great.
    Don't forget to check out the Woodbadge group and join in, as well as CMSNA (that goes for all you critters).

    I used to be an eagle......

  3. #13
    Join Date
    18th September 08
    Northern Virginia
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    Quote Originally Posted by JamesA View Post
    ....As for a kilt pin, I was thinking of just finding a nice simple one that represented the patrol I will be in.

    I am still looking for a patrol hat that is in my price range, but I have some time.

    Check out this website:


    It has several pins that may make an appropriate kilt pin, once you know your patrol.

    Depending on your skills, you might also take one of the patrol pins and attach it to the blanket pin that is popular with kilt wearers, and used to be used by Scouts to pin their blankets together back before sleeping bags were common.

    The site also has patrol hats as well.
    Virginia Commissioner, Elliot Clan Society, USA
    Adjutant, 1745 Appin Stewart Regiment
    Scottish-American Military Society
    US Marine (1970-1999)

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