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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post
    quasi-Celtic anything, renn faire tents, LARPers and Pirates rate right up there near the top. Oh yes, and they need to crack down on admitting people wearing white socks with kilts......
    ........ and flat caps with the kilt too!

  2. #12
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    I would rank my three top choices as #1 Games #2 traditional music #3 Quality Vendors.
    I would also like contemporary music, clan tents, demonstrations of all things relevant to the Culture, interaction activities that help the visitors get a feel of the culture. And just to antagonize Jock Scot......( tongue firmly in cheek) I would like to see more flat caps worn.....lol
    “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
    – Robert Louis Stevenson

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Please rank your top three Highland Games/Celtic Festival attractions from the following:

    _1__Athletics (Heavy/Light)
    ___Clan Booth/Tent
    ___Club/Society Booth/Tent
    ___Celtic Canines
    ___Music (traditional bands)
    ___Music (contemporary bands)
    _2__Music (bag piping/drumming)
    ___Re-Enactment/Living History Groups
    ___Sheep-dog Demonstration
    _3__Vendors (Celtic)
    ___Workshops (please specify_______________)

    Optional questions:
    How far do you typically travel to attend a Highland Games or Celtic Festival? 5min-7hours

    How important is "ambience" of such an event to you? Can you give an example of good "ambience"? a little more focus on the games them selves, heavy and light events should be more centrally located in the Highland GAMES. So many Highland Games are being lost from event coordinators ignoring the foundation of what the games are started.

    What is the biggest "turn off" perpetrated by Games/Festival organizers?
    LARPERS and anything else that has nothing to do with Scottish or even Celtic heritage. That includes vendors selling truck caps, or windows.

    Even our local games here seem to want to get rid of the heavy/light events, I'm just not sure how you can call it a Highland Games with out the games.

  4. #14
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    Please rank your top three Highland Games/Celtic Festival attractions from the following:

    3___Athletics (Heavy)
    ___Athletics (Light)
    ___Clan Booth/Tent
    ___Club/Society Booth/Tent
    ___Celtic Canines
    ___Music (traditional bands)
    ___Music (contemporary bands)
    1__Music (bag piping/drumming)
    ___Re-Enactment/Living History Groups
    ___Sheep-dog Demonstration
    2___Vendors (Highland Attire)
    ___Vendors (Keepsakes: t-shirts, decorative weaponry, keychains, bumper stickers, etc.)
    ___Vendors (Alcohol)
    ___Vendors (Food)
    ___Workshops (please specify_______________)

    Optional questions:
    How far do you typically travel to attend a Highland Games or Celtic Festival?

    How important is "ambience" of such an event to you? Can you give an example of good "ambience"?
    All of our local games are in parks or sports ovals, surrounded by trees with a grandstand or two which I think are great settings. Food ranges from traditional scottish fare to hamburgers, sausages in bread, scones and tea, chips and a myriad of desserts

    What is the biggest "turn off" perpetrated by Games/Festival organizers?

    The only fairies etc we have are kids that get face painted, there are no stalls selling siding, water tanks, double glaze etc. The only re-enactors we have is a group of the 42nd guys that usually provide escort for the colour party and a couple other official duties. I have yet to see any blue faced William Wallace's (other than a few kids from the face painting booth)

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Downunder Kilt View Post
    What is the biggest "turn off" perpetrated by Games/Festival organizers?

    The only fairies etc we have are kids that get face painted, there are no stalls selling siding, water tanks, double glaze etc. The only re-enactors we have is a group of the 42nd guys that usually provide escort for the colour party and a couple other official duties. I have yet to see any blue faced William Wallace's (other than a few kids from the face painting booth)
    Lucky you mate!
    [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]T. E. ("TERRY") HOLMES[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]proud descendant of the McReynolds/MacRanalds of Ulster & Keppoch, Somerled & Robert the Bruce.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"]"Ah, here comes the Bold Highlander. No @rse in his breeks but too proud to tug his forelock..." Rob Roy (1995)[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

  6. #16
    Semiomniscient is offline Membership voided at member request
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    Thanks everybody! Keep them coming! I'm agreeing personally with a lot of what I'm reading. I fear that I'm in for a struggle keeping out the nonsense that creeps into our Games.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Semiomniscient View Post
    Your assisted is requested!
    A member of our Highland Games & Celtic Festival "Steering Committee" dismissed some of my anecdotal accounts of what people want to see at Highland Games and Celtic Festivals. I think this is in part a way to avoid certain aspects of such events that some of our organizations are committed to. So, I am looking to collect interest data for Highland Games from those in the Scottish and otherwise Celtic community. I will post this questionnaire on other forums and compile the data. Those of you who are members in multiple places, I ask that you respond only once. I am perfectly happy with discussion on the matter to be carried out here... However, please give consideration to responding to the questionnaire beforehand. Also, if I've left something rather obvious out of the list, please correct me.

    Please rank your top three Highland Games/Celtic Festival attractions from the following:

    _1_Athletics (Heavy)
    ___Athletics (Light)
    _2_Clan Booth/Tent
    ___Club/Society Booth/Tent
    ___Celtic Canines
    ___Music (traditional bands)
    ___Music (contemporary bands)
    _5__Music (bag piping/drumming)
    ___Re-Enactment/Living History Groups
    _4__Sheep-dog Demonstration
    ___Vendors (Highland Attire)
    ___Vendors (Keepsakes: t-shirts, decorative weaponry, keychains, bumper stickers, etc.)
    ___Vendors (Alcohol)
    ___Vendors (Food)
    ___Workshops (please specify_______________)

    Optional questions:
    How far do you typically travel to attend a Highland Games or Celtic Festival?
    Anywhere from 20 - 300 miles

    How important is "ambience" of such an event to you? Can you give an example of good "ambience"?
    Plenty of shade trees, natural park-like setting, lots of pipe music, family friendly

    What is the biggest "turn off" perpetrated by Games/Festival organizers?
    All the pirate / witch / wench / weird stuff being sold, along with the funeral plots and siding sales. Loud rock (even celtic rock) music in the middle of everything.

    Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    About and around, depends on the season.
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    Please rank your top three Highland Games/Celtic Festival attractions from the following:[QUOTE]

    __1_Athletics (Heavy) I do not wish to be rude, but I see these equal.
    _1__Athletics (Light)
    _2__Clan Booth/Tent
    ___Club/Society Booth/Tent
    ___Celtic Canines I love working dogs.
    _3__Dancing Athletics come in many shapes
    ___Music (traditional bands)
    ___Music (contemporary bands)
    ___Music (bag piping/drumming)
    ___Re-Enactment/Living History Groups
    __4_Sheep-dog DemonstrationI love working dogs.
    ___Vendors (Highland Attire)
    ___Vendors (Keepsakes: t-shirts, decorative weaponry, keychains, bumper stickers, etc.)
    ___Vendors (Alcohol)
    ___Vendors (Food)
    ___Workshops (please specify_______________)

    Optional questions:
    How far do you typically travel to attend a Highland Games or Celtic Festival?
    As most, approx. 100 miles
    How important is "ambience" of such an event to you?
    Very important.
    Can you give an example of good "ambience"?
    Where to start? As I enter the gate, there is usually classic British cars. Then the large amount of vendors. Clothing vendors allow me to see some of the products that are only view in a .jpg. Many also offer up suggestions. Then the clan tents, always fun to hear people talk about the history of their clan.
    What is the biggest "turn off" perpetrated by Games/Festival organizers?
    This may not be what you are asking, or what you want, excuse me while I ramble on:
    Finally, my source of irritation, the Athletics. I have yet to see any program of who, from where, is competing, in what. This information may be avalible, but I have never found it. It had occurred to me far too often that these are professional athletes, and the event is treated as though "Bubba is gonna throw a pole." It would be great if a person could see who was competing before the games. I have seen a two men and one woman compete that I would like to watch them in other games. I watched this one man, his form in the hammer throw was perfect, the ark of the throw was phenomenal, His distance appeared to be the best. I saw a second guy, he looked like he could barely pick up the hammer, he replicated the first guy and nailed second. The female in question was also great, she bantered with the judges, heaved the weight over the bar, and was smokin hot. Even if she wasn't so attractive, she was still fun to watch. Long story short, Athletics in the mid-west seems to be "Oh, there are some guys doing some stuff over there somewhere."

  9. #19
    MacBean is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    I think you missed an important one: people wearing kilts well (and not just pipe bands and dancers)! Perhaps even some demonstration of different kinds of Highland wear with explanation (call it a fashion show).

    _1_Music (traditional bands, contemporary bands, bag piping/drumming)
    _2_Dancing (but offer lessons, not just school displays; a chance for everyone to join in a ceilidh!
    _3_Workshops (Highland Dress fashion show with commentator, kilt or sporran makers, music, dancing lessons)
    _4_Athletics (Heavy and Light)
    _5_Re-Enactment/Living History Groups
    _6_Demonstrations (sheep dogs, falconry, fly fishing, horse shoeing, etc.) but tune in to locally relevant country work)

  10. #20
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    Finally, my source of irritation, the Athletics. I have yet to see any program of who, from where, is competing, in what. This information may be avalible, but I have never found it. It had occurred to me far too often that these are professional athletes, and the event is treated as though "Bubba is gonna throw a pole." It would be great if a person could see who was competing before the games.

    Long story short, Athletics in the mid-west seems to be "Oh, there are some guys doing some stuff over there somewhere."

    Hand out a simple program of events with admission.

    One sheet of 8 1/2 X 11 folded will work.

    Front cover - Event and date information.

    Inside front - list of events - by type.

    Inside Back - list of events - listed in order of TIME.

    Back page - a simple MAP of the site.


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