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  1. #1
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    Kilt socks scrunched down or?

    On a hot day and the kilt worn casual, kilt socks to the knee might not be the most comfortable thing.
    Looking at pictures it seems as some would just scrunch the socks down in some rather disorderly way, whereas others seem to prefer them nicely folded down.

    Are there any rules, and if not, which way do you prefer?

    I should appreciate some input.


  2. #2
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    To my old army eyes there is smart and then there is disorderly and any hose, under any circumstances that are scrunched down, is disorderly.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I just push mine down but make sure each leg is pushed down the same. They tend to fold themselves down in a somewhat orderly fashion above my boot. I use boot socks rather than kilt hose. Boot socks (Gold Toe brand) have less bulk then wool kilt hose. They have a higher cotton content so I can machine wash/dry them rather than having to worry about ruining a pair of expensive wool kilt hose.


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike in Dayton View Post
    I just push mine down but make sure each leg is pushed down the same. They tend to fold themselves down in a somewhat orderly fashion above my boot. I use boot socks rather than kilt hose. Boot socks (Gold Toe brand) have less bulk then wool kilt hose. They have a higher cotton content so I can machine wash/dry them rather than having to worry about ruining a pair of expensive wool kilt hose.

    *** for everything Mike said,
    ESPECIALLY on the boot socks vs kilt hose when scrunching. I like Carhart's or Cabelas work/hunting socks for this purpose. They tend to have a padded instep for lots of walking, some wick away moisture, and none have the bulk of woolen kilt hose.

    I'd like to add that I, personally, don't like scrunched hose and low shoes like brogues. If I'm scrunching, it's with boots (I prefer 8-eye Doc Martens).

    As much as it pains me to disagree with Jock Scot (whose opinion I respect greatly), while scrunched hose may be a might untidy, Scotland doesn't usually hit +90*f with >75% humidity either. In this case I look to the Regiments overseas actions and follow their lead of scrunchies and boots. If it was good enough for them, it works for me.

  5. #5
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    If you wear kilt hose,for the love of heaven pull them up! If its too hot to pull them up, it's too hot to have a thick wad of crumpled fabric around your calf. Wear shorter socks!

    Geoff Withnell
    Geoff Withnell

    "My comrades, they did never yield, for courage knows no bounds."
    No longer subject to reveille US Marine.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike in Dayton View Post
    I just push mine down but make sure each leg is pushed down the same. They tend to fold themselves down in a somewhat orderly fashion above my boot. I use boot socks rather than kilt hose. Boot socks (Gold Toe brand) have less bulk then wool kilt hose. They have a higher cotton content so I can machine wash/dry them rather than having to worry about ruining a pair of expensive wool kilt hose.


    Thanks for the info on Gold Toe. I'm gonna go look them up now!
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Too warm for socks?
    Then why wear boots?
    Sandals are all you need this time of year. Let your feet breathe a little.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartinGrenoble View Post
    Too warm for socks?
    Then why wear boots?
    Sandals are all you need this time of year. Let your feet breathe a little.
    I'm with Martin on this one! If it's too hot for hose and regular shoes, I don't feel like boots are gonna be any more comfy!

    I am unlikely to sport sandals though, I just wear short socks and sneakers (trainers) when it gets 90-95 degrees F and up.
    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zardoz View Post
    I'm with Martin on this one! If it's too hot for hose and regular shoes, I don't feel like boots are gonna be any more comfy!

    I am unlikely to sport sandals though, I just wear short socks and sneakers (trainers) when it gets 90-95 degrees F and up.
    I don't wear sneakers unless I'm actually at the gym. I wear sandals most of the time, but usually with a linen shirt and shorts. Something about the kilt and very low (or visually small) footwear doesn't work for me.

    Plus, boots are comfy if properly broken in. AND, when games are hosted at boggy sports pitches (ie ALWAYS, at least round here), boots come in awfully handy. It's easier for me to buff and polish my boots than it is for me to clean a pair of sandals inside and out.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by artificer View Post
    I don't wear sneakers unless I'm actually at the gym. Something about the kilt and very low (or visually small) footwear doesn't work for me.
    I'm with you on this one Artificer, it's a pet peeve of mine to see sneekers/trainers/sport shoes with kilts. It doesn't matter with socks up or down, short socks, long socks.

    Go Docs for those muddy days

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