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  1. #11
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    I would agree about a solid colour vest on most people. On a gent of some substance the vest with the diamonds does give a "slimming" effect on the outfit and does that well for you. With the vest that you are wearing, I would offer up the idea of a brighter choice of hose colour to return attention to the tartan.
    The photographer was quite close to you. The view of you in the photo is what I would see if I was close enough to you to carry on a conversation. The display of your left leg indicates the hose are probably at a reasonable height.

    You look quite comfortable, and like Jock, I do not go for the matchy-matchy thing. More variety may even slim another stone off in the outfit.

  2. #12
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    er... next time leave the sweater at home.

    It really does nothing to enhance the look. Other than that... looks like Sunday go to meeting clothes to me!

  3. #13
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    At the risk of rocking the boat and contradicting the traditionalist oldies (), I'm going to say that I love the vest, and to keep wearing it! I think it's striking and bold, and it makes you look quite contemporary.

    That being said, I don't like a "kilt sandwich" either, and I'd trade the socks or shirt for something else.

  4. #14
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    So the vest is kinda a toss up, some like it some loath it. I can see the matchy matchy feelings as well. In hopes of not looking like I dressed myself in the dark what would be recomended for other color options? Would it be better to go with a white shirt and say match the tie and hose to a secondary color in the kilt? The reason I had gone with the shirt and hose in that color is they matched a color in the kilt.

    Looking at it now I think I may have been better served with a black shirt and royal blue tie and some red flashes. I really gotta find a jacket. looks like I'm heading to goodwill in the morning after I get out of work.

    P.S. SteveB you are correct my mother was talking to me then said wait I need a pic of you took one step back and snapped away with her Iphone. Perspective really can skew how low a kilt looks.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Hi Tiny, I wouldn't be too fussed about matching shirt and hose. I would not wear the argyle vest with the kilt (my eyes immediately went to the argyle pattern)
    If you are getting to the Op/Thrift shop to look for a jacket to cut down, keep you eye out for a waistcoat/vest you can use too. The waistcoat and coat can be used in a variety of combinations. I have several waistcoats that I use with one jacket or by themselves. Also checkout some tattersall shirts which are usually a white/cream with intersecting stripes of a solid colour to make half inch squares. (If you use the search function on the forum I am sure you will find a photo of one)

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
    So the vest is kinda a toss up, some like it some loath it. I can see the matchy matchy feelings as well. In hopes of not looking like I dressed myself in the dark what would be recomended for other color options? Would it be better to go with a white shirt and say match the tie and hose to a secondary color in the kilt? The reason I had gone with the shirt and hose in that color is they matched a color in the kilt.

    Looking at it now I think I may have been better served with a black shirt and royal blue tie and some red flashes. I really gotta find a jacket. looks like I'm heading to goodwill in the morning after I get out of work.

    P.S. SteveB you are correct my mother was talking to me then said wait I need a pic of you took one step back and snapped away with her Iphone. Perspective really can skew how low a kilt looks.

    Some time ago in another thread I advised that there is a need to throw this idea of "matching", that you Americans seem to hold so dear, in the bin if you want to wear the kilt successfully. As I recall there was a spot of good natured banter after that, but I and other Scots did, I think, get the message through!

    Perhaps David Pope will chip in, as he started a wonderful thread with a title something like "Highlanders discuss Highland attire" which I think demonstrated really well "our" differences of mindset on clothing attitudes.I would like to think that many found that thread in particular, really helpful with their kilt turnout.

    White shirts are good for weddings and funerals and general wear but there are thousands of other options and the already advised tattersall shirt will see you through most events from very informal to "business" type events.Small blue Gingham checks, are not bad either. Some how black shirts in particular and DARK solid colours in general do not seem, to me at least, to go with the kilt.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 28th July 10 at 01:34 AM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Just my opinion, but I wasn't too fond of the vest. I don't like sweater-vests in general, but the contrast on that one in particular is really what throws it off for me.

    Though I've worn my share of dark shirts with the kilt, I will echo some of what Jock pointed out. Dark colours, I think, detract some from the kilt. They tend to be bold and visually heavy, which draws your eye to them. Even a busy kilt can be lost that way

    I don't obsess too much with matching my hose or even flashes to anything in particular (shirt or tartan). I think coordination is great, but matchy-matchy is a little much. I know it's pointed out, but I think that many of the opponents of matching, like Jock, have a more innate sense of what "just looks good".

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
    I can see the matchy matchy feelings as well. In hopes of not looking like I dressed myself in the dark what would be recomended for other color options? Would it be better to go with a white shirt and say match the tie and hose to a secondary color in the kilt? The reason I had gone with the shirt and hose in that color is they matched a color in the kilt.
    Jock beat me to the punch, but he is spot-on. Here's my advice, having converted to the non-matching school:

    1. Own several pairs of good hose- lovat blue, lovat green, dark red, and dark green are some examples of hose that look sharp with about any kilt.
    2. Own a handful of good ties (many guys will already have these)- repp stripes (avoid regimental stripes unless it's your regiment), fouillard designs, small crests (same caveat as the regimental ties), and solid color work nicely. Blues, dark reds, dark greens look nice.
    3. Own several dress shirts- I prefer solid white, solid light blue, or blue with a small pattern.

    When it comes to time to put on your kilt: close your eyes and grab one pair of hose, one tie, and one shirt. Put them on. Put on your kilt. Strap on your sporran. Put on your jacket (when you get one) or a solid/ neutral sweater, lace up your black brogues (wingtips to us) and head out the door. Kilt belt is optional if you're wearing the jacket without waistcoat (vest), but isn't usually worn with a sweater.

    Here's the excellent thread that Jock mentioned:


    Last edited by davidlpope; 28th July 10 at 02:01 PM.

  9. #19
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    I really like what JockScot has to offer. It opens up a larger selection of possibilities.

    That being said, I am not fond of sweater vest, especially in this heat. I think it is hot when the temps get above 60F. So I will not offer any opinion about that. That sir, is a grand outfit. Are you comfortable, kilted, and happy?

    Then again, I have a picture of me in public wearing Keens and a t-shirt with my kilt.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidlpope View Post
    Jock beat me to the punch, but he is spot-on. Here's my advice, having converted to the non-matching school:

    1. Own several pairs of good hose- lovat blue, lovat green, dark red, and dark green are some examples of hose that look sharp with about any kilt.
    2. Own a handful of good ties (many guys will already have these)- repp stripes (avoid regimental stripes unless it's your regiment), fouillard designs, small crests (same caveat as the regimental ties), and solid color work nicely. Blues, dark reds, dark greens look nice.
    3. Own several dress shirts- I prefer solid white, solid light blue, or blue with a small pattern.

    When it comes to time to put on your kilt: close your eyes and grab one pair of hose, one tie, and one shirt. Put them on. Put on your kilt. Strap on your sporran. Put on your jacket (when you get one) or a solid/ neutral sweater, lace up your black brogues (wingtips to us) and head out the door. Kilt belt is optional if you're wearing the jacket without waistcoat (vest), but isn't usually worn with a sweater.

    Here's the excellent thread that Jock mentioned:


    Can he open his eyes yet?

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