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  1. #11
    Join Date
    22nd August 10
    Orangeburg SC via Los Angeles CA
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    To one and all:
    To my fellow retirees; thank you for your service.
    To those on duty now; thank you for standing the watch.
    To those who have had a family member or close friend die while on duty; my condolences on your loss.

    Back in my day, we had to pack the mule ourselves and make it walk in the snow going up hill both ways while being monitored by a cavalry SGT!
    I've found that most relationships work best when no one wears pants.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    5th September 10
    Currently Korea.. Spokane WA
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    well if and when it gets here, ill monitor while they unpack it, and if im missing anything, all heck is going to break loose!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    4th August 09
    Reston, VA
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    When I returned from my tour of duty in Afghanistan, only two of the three boxes that I'd shipped had made it home before I did. The last one arrived two weeks later. At least all of the contents inside were in the same condition I'd packed them in.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    5th September 10
    Currently Korea.. Spokane WA
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    yeah the stuff i shipped from afghanistan made it quite quickly... but it shouldnt take months to go from id. to ca. thats just utterly retarded! i will continue to sit and wait...

  5. #15
    Join Date
    4th August 09
    Reston, VA
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    Dude, welcome to the military.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    31st December 05
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    I know a guy that tried to ship his stuff home and was refused by the movers. They would not touch his collection of weapons. So he made a secret compartment in his chevy van, put the guns in and carpeted over the false floor. He then packed the van himself, and drove it to the port of shipment. He watched as the van was loaded into a container along with his porsche, sealed and stacked in the storage yard. He go home and waited 4 months for the container to arrive on the east coast. After two weeks of haggling with a company that had the container, he actually had it shipped to his residence. They placed the container in the street, he unloaded it asap and called for it to be picked up. Luckily, I worked for a company that could move and haul the container, because we had to move it to a storage before they picked it up 6 weeks later.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    5th September 10
    Currently Korea.. Spokane WA
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    yeah sometimes they dont take kindly to weapons, but if the paperwork is done, they should be accepting it... as fore me... im still waiting on my stuff grr but haha

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