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Thread: radio shows?

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    Again, I think you'd be surprised. I frequently mention Canadian history in my classes, and as a military historian, I fully acknowledge the bravery and history of the Canadian forces.

    Much appreciated Todd, but if only historical Canadians didn't so easily turn into either Americans or Brits in the Hollywood and British war movies, like say in The Great Escape or The Longest Day....

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    For good music, I listen to www.midwestirishradio.com

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck of NI View Post
    Much appreciated Todd, but if only historical Canadians didn't so easily turn into either Americans or Brits in the Hollywood and British war movies, like say in The Great Escape or The Longest Day....

    I agree 100%.


  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck of NI View Post
    BBC nostalgia may be indicated: Favorites of mine included Round the Horn (with Paul Horn) and I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again. Equally funny altho not strictly a comedy was The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy- an example of something that was far (far far far) better on radio than it ever was on TV.
    I still think the best was in print, though the radio version was a close 2nd... (only heard the more recent radio version, was too young for the original)

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    Hmmmm... if memory serves, the original HHGTTG book was a transcription of the radio series, not the other way around. That was before it turned into a major multi-volume opus. But whatever, when I first heard it on the radio, I had to sit in near darkness and tune in a distant static filled AM station at an early hour every weekday morning, just to hear a short serialized segment of the original radio version of HHGTTG, after which the station would ask skill testing questions about the previous day's episode that emphasised the hilarity- all of which was bound to to keep the interest up.

    I think it was in the later books in the same series that Adams had some harsh things to say about pipe bands. I could forgive him, but my girlfriend at that time, who played in one, was not amused when friends called her up to read her those segments, of course between gales of laughter.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck of NI View Post
    Hmmmm... if memory serves, the original HHGTTG book was a transcription of the radio series, not the other way around.
    Your are absolutely right, it was a radio series first broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1978. I was living in the UK at the time and loved it. So much so that I have both the tapes and now the CD of the original radio show. And my 41ft yacht is called Forty Two because it is my answer to Life, The Universe and Everything!


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  7. #27
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    Unfortunately, I missed the original radio show, there was a 6 episode remake 4-5 years ago or so

  8. #28
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    Lets see - radio shows...

    Here's a few oldies but goodies...

    Dad's Army
    The Avengers
    Hancock's Half Hour
    A Case for Dr. Morelle
    The Black Museum
    Whitehall 1212
    The Men from the Minstry
    I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue.

  9. #29
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    Classic BBC radio comedy wins hands down any day for me!
    Back in the old days of South African radio we had some pretty good homegrown shows, too. But no recordings remain of the earlier ones, which is a great pity.
    There were two guys in Durban who wrote sequels to the original BBC series The Navy Lark and The Men from the Ministry, which we enjoyed greatly.
    But the BBC wins hands down when it comes to shows like My Word, My Music, Hancock’s Half Hour, Around the Horn, The Goon Show and many more.
    Monty Python’s Flying Circus was supposed to be TV’s answer to The Goons, but it never quite worked for me. And Now for Something Completely Different was mostly silly, and Monty Python and the Holy Grail was entirely silly.
    South African radio was great on classical music (which I enjoy), but nowadays it is rarely heard on the national stations (broadcast in all provinces on FM). Instead there is a plethora of jazz, which is seen as being African music.
    I enjoy the older forms of jazz, starting with Ragtime and continung into Big Band jazz, but “progressive” jazz is (for my taste) retrogressive. Proper African jazz is often enjoyable, but far too often all I hear on radio these days of that genre is mindless “progressive”.
    And even the classical radio stations we have (which are all local, rather than national) favour not only “progressive” but also 20th-century orchestral compositions that make me think of Tevye the Milkman.
    Remember the song If I Were a Rich Man from Fiddler on the Roof? He tells of three staircases in his “rich man’s house” – one going up, and one going down, and one going nowhere just for fun.
    A lot of 20th-century orchestral music goes absolutely nowhere, and while the musicians appear to enjoy playing it, it is no fun for me.
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    I ran accros CFZM, 740 out of Toronto Canada. The 50KW station puts a good signal into southern Ohio but they are also stream on the internet. This use to be CBL before Canadian Broadcast Corp. moved their stations to FM. Monday - Thursday from 7pm to 10pm eastern features music of the 40's, 50's, and 60's. The program is called Sentamental Journey. Monday - Thursday nights, from 10pm to 11pm they rebroadcast in their entirety classic shows from the Golden Age Of Radio.


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