Black Watch hackle question
I have a question for any uniform experts; how did WWII era BW soldiers attach their hackles? I'm familiar with the standard method of attaching a hackle behind the cap badge from pipe band uniforms, but I see that (at least for a time) the BW didn't wear a cap badge with their hackle.
The reason I ask is that our band is getting ready for a Veterans' Day ceremony at a nearby school, and we've been asked to do a presentation on uniforms/pipes afterwards. My PM is covering military number 1 dress, (since he *has* number 1 dress
) one of our other pipers will be talking about civilian dress, and I'm going to discuss the BW history and the uniform of the two World Wars. (Our band wears BW tartan and would like eventually to be able to do a BW impression for appropriate occasions. I *am* aware that the BW pipers wear Royal Stewart, but haven't pushed for that because I really, really hate RS tartan.)
So now I'm looking at my cool tam o'shanter and my red hackle and wondering what to do with them - and more importantly, what the Jocks of '39-'45 did. My wife suggested sewing the hackle to the cap, which would certainly work; I considered cutting the wire loop on the hackle and threading it through the cap badge holes.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If anyone's got a picture of an original, that would be even better - so far my GIS'ing has been for nought.
"MacDonald the piper stood up in the pulpit,
He made the pipes skirl out the music divine."