As most of my American counterparts probably know, it's not an easy thing to find a skilled tailor. Many of your alterations places can hem a pair of pants and take in the waist, but asking for much more is beyond their abilities. I did some internet searching yesterday in my (relatively new) local area and found a place that was highly recommended. I've had a new suit hanging in the closet for about 2 months and just bought a new uniform as I needed some pants altered and was contemplating on whether I needed any changes made to the suit jacket.

Long story short, I went to see this Sri Lankan tailor yesterday to have my alterations done. As someone who does a fair bit of sewing myself, I was very impressed with this lady's knowledge and customer service. She was spot on with her advice, in my opinion and very friendly. I know she makes custom dresses (which I do realize is different from tailoring men's clothing)...but based on her knowledge which I observed yesterday, I think I may have a potential source for some custom tailor work. It was a refreshing experience compared to most of the typical "hacks" that I've dealt with while having uniforms altered on the military base over the years.