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  1. #1
    Join Date
    11th July 08
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    1-Marry your best friend because you can't imagine life without her.
    2-Support her in the things that make her happy because if you love her, her happiness is all you really want.
    3-Most arguments come about from very small things. In the end, it doesn't really matter does it? Refer to number 2.
    4-Tell her what's really important to you. If you've done a good job at number 2, you'll get that fishing trip you wanted without any ill feelings.
    5-Never let her have to guess how much you love her.
    6-Do all the crappy jobs without complaint and without being asked--because you're a man. It's what we do.
    7-Set the Thanksgiving table with that amazingly girlie china she loves. Remember, she lets you continue to wear that 'favorite' shirt despite how terrible it looks.
    8-No matter how busy and filled with committments your life is--have a "date night" every week and stick to it.
    9-Hold her hand in public. Open the car door for her.
    10-Make her laugh several times each day.

    Most importantly--never take her or your marriage for granted. Remember, she could have done a lot better!
    [I][B]Ad fontes[/B][/I]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    22nd January 07
    Morganton, North Carolina
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    After ten years of marriage to my best friend, here's my best advice:

    Pertaining to the wedding:
    Spend more time preparing for your marriage than preparing for the wedding. In a practical sense, though, the normal "friction" encountered when planning a wedding should have the effect of putting you and your fiance on the "same team" and everyone else on "another team" (if it gets contentious..) This is a good thing as it will prepare both you and your spouse to view the other as your most important confidant and resource.

    Pertaining to your marriage:
    Be prepared to die to your own selfishness and jealousy. The depth of love required of you as a husband can be compared to that of a savior for those he ransoms. Like any living sacrifice, though, your tendancy will be to keep getting up off the altar. Fight against this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitpete View Post
    1-Marry your best friend because you can't imagine life without her.
    2-Support her in the things that make her happy because if you love her, her happiness is all you really want.
    3-Most arguments come about from very small things. In the end, it doesn't really matter does it? Refer to number 2.
    4-Tell her what's really important to you. If you've done a good job at number 2, you'll get that fishing trip you wanted without any ill feelings.
    5-Never let her have to guess how much you love her.
    6-Do all the crappy jobs without complaint and without being asked--because you're a man. It's what we do.
    7-Set the Thanksgiving table with that amazingly girlie china she loves. Remember, she lets you continue to wear that 'favorite' shirt despite how terrible it looks.
    8-No matter how busy and filled with committments your life is--have a "date night" every week and stick to it.
    9-Hold her hand in public. Open the car door for her.
    10-Make her laugh several times each day.

    Most importantly--never take her or your marriage for granted. Remember, she could have done a lot better!
    Great practical applications!



  3. #3
    Join Date
    9th February 08
    D/FW Texas area
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    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitpete View Post
    1-Marry your best friend because you can't imagine life without her.
    2-Support her in the things that make her happy because if you love her, her happiness is all you really want.
    3-Most arguments come about from very small things. In the end, it doesn't really matter does it? Refer to number 2.
    4-Tell her what's really important to you. If you've done a good job at number 2, you'll get that fishing trip you wanted without any ill feelings.
    5-Never let her have to guess how much you love her.
    6-Do all the crappy jobs without complaint and without being asked--because you're a man. It's what we do.
    7-Set the Thanksgiving table with that amazingly girlie china she loves. Remember, she lets you continue to wear that 'favorite' shirt despite how terrible it looks.
    8-No matter how busy and filled with committments your life is--have a "date night" every week and stick to it.
    9-Hold her hand in public. Open the car door for her.
    10-Make her laugh several times each day.

    Most importantly--never take her or your marriage for granted. Remember, she could have done a lot better!
    My hubby could have written all of these -- I love Christopher so much! He's my best friend, and I'm his best friend. Neither of us could imagine life without the other, and we're almost always together -- having tea and coffee from girly china sets (he loves it), opening doors for each other, and all that sappy, lovey, fun stuff!
    http://www.cfgriffith.com/ - Learning to sew (historical costuming), and getting back to art by drawing fan art of Middle Earth dwarves.
    | D/FW TX Social Group | The Ladies of XMTS |

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cynthia View Post
    My hubby could have written all of these -- I love Christopher so much! He's my best friend, and I'm his best friend. Neither of us could imagine life without the other, and we're almost always together -- having tea and coffee from girly china sets (he loves it), opening doors for each other, and all that sappy, lovey, fun stuff!
    Here's to a long, happy and contented marriage!
    [I][B]Ad fontes[/B][/I]

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