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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whidbey78 View Post
    I've had more than one stranger blindside me with the "You're ancestors didn't come from Scotland so you can't wear that" bit. That's when I really should just run around in circles shouting something about dilithium crystals and the laws of physics so they'll leave me alone. Unfortunately, self control takes over and I usually just ask them how in the hell they can tell. They usually shut up.

    I used to argue with those jerks, but finally realized that it wasn't worth the effort. Ignorance can be treated, but stupidity is incurable.
    I have green eyes, red hair, and am built a lot like Hamish from Braveheart. In fact, I have been told that when I still had long hair and a beard, that he was my twin! And I still get that from time to time... I had one guy once say to me "Hey! Why you wearin' that? You don't look Irish!" Yes. Irish. Because no one from either Scotland or Ireland have green eyes and red hair...
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by English Bloke View Post
    As I pottered about with my family, I was approached by a kilting expert who informed me that I was NOT ALLOWED to wear a kilt unless I was Scottish. He also told me that he was Scottish and therefore knew this for a fact. Whereas I was English and didn't. I was also told that being English I'd probably be wearing underpants... True Scotsmen never wear underpants (apparently...) An Englishman would always wear pants though, because he is less manly than a... err... true Scotsman.
    John, what an experience you had with this very bad representative for the Scots. Rude and unbelievable impolite, I should say.

    Actually I have twice been talking to Scotsmen, obviously living in Denmark, me being kilted (walking in the nature) and they (of course) not. In both cases I had a good talk with them, and they both told me they were pleased to see the kilt worn and in a good way, including by a non-Scot like me and in Denmark.

    Quote Originally Posted by English Bloke View Post
    Perhaps my internet persona and picture catalogue precedes me.
    That implies that he might be one of us. I really don’t hope so and won’t believe it.

    Quote Originally Posted by English Bloke View Post
    I suspect (although I possibly generalise) he'd be another weddings and hogmanay only kilt wearer who doesn't want anyone but a qualified scot to wear the kilt, yet with the same breath will be moaning that home-grown kilt makers are under threat. Failing to see the irony of "If you don't use 'em, you'll lose 'em". I wonder what he'd be saying in a decade's time if he went to buy a Kilt and all that was available we're £400+ imported PV's of the same poor quality that 10 years before were retailing on the Royal Mile for just £40. And all those wonderful British Woolen Mills and Scottish Kiltmakers were a distant memory. Put out of business by a lack of local demand.
    So much my words!

    Kilted for comfort, difference, look, variety and versatility

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post
    You're Christian, aren't you? I'm the board witch. I should turn him into a newt.

    That plays so well into my comment!

    So- English Bloke- He wasn't even man enough to stick around and wait for the retort. He hit you and ran away. Why should you have the least concern what a coward like that has to say? You're English- and you had the... shall we say... manhood to at least try to defend your views, which is more than he did, after he attacked your manhood! The word "hypocrite" comes to my mind.

    I'm not a witch, but I seem to remember the rede is something along the lines of "if it harm none, do as you will," and that three fold thing coming back on you.

    Likewise the many variations of the "Golden Rule."
    We're all just joking around though.

    I've tried to look at it from the Scot's point of view, as best as I can. Not sure that guy was a Scot, though...
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  4. #24
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    I wonder if he was wearing underwear under his trousers? No real reason; just an odd thought that popped into my head.

  5. #25
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    Reminds me of a person that has posted on this forum and been removed more times that i've had hot dinners, Perhaps you bumped into this person in real life EB. Amazing when someone gives you an earfull then plays runaway, runaway. They must be real confident in themselves. As others have said, it takes all types
    Shoot straight you bastards. Don't make a mess of it. Harry (Breaker) Harbord Morant - Bushveldt Carbineers

  6. #26
    Derek's Avatar
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    What a wally. Sadly, there are people like this who we all bump in to, even if its very seldom. They are not really worth a second thought. Gotta laugh at 'em, the sad people.Knowing you as I do John, you will certainly not be hanging your kilts up .. no way... ever!
    At last fridays folk club a bunch of girls turned up in their mid teens to play. After chatting to them for a while about their music and things, they commented with words that my cilt was 'lush', 'groovy' n 'hip'.
    If they reckon its ok to wear a cilt/kilt,then its definitely ok with me,wherever and whenever. Forget the wallys I say, they not worth it, cause 99.99% of the people dont care what you got on in anycase.
    Iechyd Da
    A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer

  7. #27
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    Sad to know there are still a few so-called Scots out there who think that Scots have exclusive right to the kilt and that it must be worn in a certain way.
    Don't let this trouble you John, this guy is obviously a sad and lonely case who has plenty of social problems through his own inadequate personality.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  8. #28
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    It that had happend to me most of my reply wouldn't be repeatable on here. It's a shame you had a run in with a person like that, I've had people come up to me a few times with various complaints about my kilt wearing. Saturday past a lady in my local was adamant that my kilt was too long and that it should be in the middle of my kneecaps, even after I had proven it wasn't too long and that I knew more about it than she did.

    Don't give up your kilts John, you don't want to let idiots like that win.

    If you do decide to give your kilts up I'm about your size and could find a good home for some

    The hielan' man he wears the kilt, even when it's snowin';
    He kens na where the wind comes frae,
    But he kens fine where its goin'.

  9. #29
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    You know some ignoramus like that just makes me wonder about the human race, thank God we are not all like him
    What I would like to do with that individual is ask him to stand against a wall with his legs apart then I would aim a kick towards him, hitting him on target then after he recovers tell him that every time he acts so stupid this will happen

  10. #30
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    What always gets me about this sort of encounter is the presumption on the part of the attacker. So he thinks only Scots should wear the kilt. What made him so sure you were not Scottish?

    I had a friend who was at a Highland Games (in America) wearing a Black Watch kilt. He was a Grant (Black Watch is worn as a hunting tartan by the Grants) and his father served in the Black Watch. So for him the tartan had double significance.

    He was shopping at one of the vendors at the Games and a nut-case ran up to him, and started accosting him, saying "How dare you wear the Murray tartan!" He was from clan Murray and said only Murrays should wear the clan tartan.

    My friend tried to explain that this was not the Murray tartan at all, but the Black Watch, but the man wouldn't hear it. Eventually my friend had to walk away. I told him, after he related this story to me, that what amazed me was not just that this man seemed unable to identify his own clan tartan (which he seemed to care so deeply about), but assuming he got the tartan right, what made him assume my friend was not a Murray? It was not as if he were wearing a t-shirt with "NOT A MURRAY" printed on it!

    I would never presume to approach a complete stranger and accost him over wearing the kilt or a particular tartan. My assumption would always be that he knew what he was wearing and had a reason to be wearing it! I would never be so rude.

    However, I think there are people out there who seem to have a malfunction in the filter in their brains that resorts in this type of thing spewing out. Wearing the kilt just makes us an easier target for this kind of vitriol.

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