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  1. #121
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    John makes a very good point. Jock, you say that despite your Viking ancestors you don't "dress up like a Viking," so why should those with Scottish ancestry want to "dress up like a Scot?"

    John's answer gets it right. Because the kilt is clothing, not costume. Those who put on the kilt because they want to "dress up like a Scot" are often the ones that do a serious disservice to the tradition of Highland dress when they do so. Because they view it as a fun costume and not a particular mode of dress with a long and noble tradition -- one that, unlike Viking garb, is still modern and contemporary.

    So when I, and others outwith Scotland, put on the kilt, we are not "dressing up as" anything. We are simply ourselves, wearing Scottish National Dress -- and proud of it! :-)

  2. #122
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    Now what I , your friend you mention and other Scots really cannot fathom is this. You are Americans, who make great play of your independence--quite rightly----so be Americans. Canadians, Australians, Dutch, German, Russian, French, English, Irish,or Wherever, they are all proud nations in their own right with a mixture of cultures and blood that go into the pedigrees of their particular nation-----just like Scotland. But your are not, however hard you try, Scottish. So why not represent your own proud nation?
    With the greatest of respect, Jock, I don't think you truly understand what it is to be an American. We are not an ancient nation that has a unique culture of our own. You can't compare us to other European nations which have thousands of years of cultural identity. What we are is a mish-mash of those cultures.

    If you were to visit, say, my area of Texas, you would find pockets of cultural remnants from settlers who came here within the last 100 years. There is a strong Mexican influence in some areas (like San Antonio). Then if you travel up the road a ways, you will come to Fredericksburg which is a strong German community (as is New Braunfels). My small town to the west was settled by Polish immigrants. Travel a ways east and you'll find Czech communities.

    Each of these areas retain strong cultural influence from their founders, and they celebrate their heritage with festivals and such. And this includes wearing cultural/historical clothing like lederhosen (for the Germans) and sombreros (for the Mexicans).

    So... how exactly is one to "represent your own proud nation", as you suggest? Our nation is a nation of immigrants. Our culture is not homogenous or unique. To be an American is to be a descendant of something else.

    What's funny is that everywhere around the globe, people want to act and dress like Americans. Everything from used Levi's to rap music has been gobbled up with great enthusiasm by Europeans. Do we chastise them for this? No. Do we tell them that they should stop pretending to be Americans and start acting more French or German or Russian? No. We think it's great that others like our styles or want to emulate us.

    For native Scots to feel threatened by someone else wearing a kilt is pretty silly. For them to accuse others of pretending to be Scottish is downright childish. Cultural exchange happens everywhere, and the Scottish kilt is just one of many items that's unique enough to be copied by someone else. Yet when we take the Scottish kilt and Americanize it (like with the Utilikilt and other modern kilts), we're told that it needs to be more authentically Scottish!

  3. #123
    Chirs is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    This thread has become quite interesting but we seem to have come off the mark a little. People have asked "What do the Scots think?" and Jock Scot was kind enough to answer. While there does appear to be some self-identification in what he wrote, he did, for the most part, clearly state that these attitudes were the ones common in his experience. It may be a tad unfair to expect him to have an effect on all of his countrymen, or to expect even that there is a single attitude held by all that can be affected.

    Rather than directing our comments to Jock directly - e.g. "Jock, you're seeing the whole Kilting thing as playing dress-up." (this is one example only; there are others who have written similar things) - it may be more fair to say "It seems that Scots in general are seeing the whole Kilting thing..."

    Well, that's what I (specifically) think.

  4. #124
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    Now hold on a minute!

    I was asked a direct question and I had hoped that I have offered a reasonable and honest answer----even if some do not like it.Many people on this thread have recounted stories that confirm that I am not the only Scot with similar views. Have you not seen them?

    Just so people know Scotland does not have its own passport(yet?)----- it is a British one, Scotland does not have its own tax raising apparatus(yet?) apart from minor local taxes-----it is a British one, Scotland does not have its own army(yet?)----- it is a British one.

    I have never ever said that a non Scot cannot wear the kilt. What I have said that I cannot understand why non Scots should want to wear the kilt as they are citizens of other countries-----but, BUT I have said that I recognise the fact that on occasion that non Scots may want to wear one to recognise their own heritage. Might I suggest that some of you should read the whole of my posts and understand what I have said before getting your assorted undergarments twisted.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 21st April 11 at 06:51 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  5. #125
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    You are absolutely right, I have no idea how it is to be an American, nor a Canadian, nor a Russian, nor a Pole. Likewise, with the greatest of respect to all, there are many here that seem to speak for and act as a Scot when they are not.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Now hold on a minute!

    I was asked a direct question and I had hoped that I have offered a reasonable and honest answer----even if some do not like it.Many people on this thread have recounted stories that confirm that I am not the only Scot with similar views. Have you not seen them?

    Just so people know Scotland does not have its own passport(yet?)----- it is a British one, Scotland does not have its own tax raising apparatus(yet?) apart from minor local taxes-----it is a British one, Scotland does not have its own army(yet?)----- it is a British one.

    I have never ever said that a non Scot cannot wear the kilt. What I have said that I cannot understand why non Scots should want to wear the kilt as they are citizens of other countries-----but, BUT I have said that I recognise the fact that on occasion that non Scots may want to wear one to recognise their own heritage. Might I suggest that some of you should read the whole of my posts and understand what I have said before getting your assorted undergarments twisted.
    Good on ya Jock for stating what ya think. I may not agree with you wholly but I sure won't hate on ya for it.

    I will second the notion that as US folks we do not have a long and storied heritage to compare with Europeans in general. I think it is why we have generated those hyphen identities. I hate it myself but I hear it constantly: <nationality>-American. Myself, I am from the US, born and raised here, live and loved here. Just happens I wear the Kilt because I appreciate its comfort, style and heritage.

  7. #127
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    Thatīs right. Iīm a german an I like wearing kilts to. In germany is it no problem. A friendly smile or whispering "Oh look he is wearing a skirt" thatīs it. But in the UK, especially in scotland is kilt wearing a little bit difficult. Without an highland event near by you will feel like an alien. A lots of scotsman make you feel unwelcome in scottish dress.
    I like the land, the heritage, the music and dances and the kilt and I think kilt wearing is best way to show it. But must I be a scot for wearing the kilt? I think no!
    I think the scottish kilt is for everyone loving scotland and for everyone who wants something different in the wardrobe. Every Kiltmaker will flop when he only sell to scotsman. Without the abroad kilt supporters the scottish kilt heritage is ended.
    So I have the right reply to unfriendly scots. "I wear it for your economy. Why you donīt do the same?"

  8. #128
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    Jock, I am clear that you are not necessarily expressing your own opinion but just honestly answering the question "what do Scots think?"

    I would like to clarify that when I said "Any Scotsman who inferred I should not wear a kilt better be ready for what's coming" and got my dander up, I was not referring to you, but the anonymous rude fellow who berated English Bloke at the start of this whole chain and others like him.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singlemalt View Post
    Jock, I am clear that you are not necessarily expressing your own opinion but just honestly answering the question "what do Scots think?"

    I would like to clarify that when I said "Any Scotsman who inferred I should not wear a kilt better be ready for what's coming" and got my dander up, I was not referring to you, but the anonymous rude fellow who berated English Bloke at the start of this whole chain and others like him.
    Worry not my dear chap, but thank you for clearing that up.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Now hold on a minute!

    I was asked a direct question and I had hoped that I have offered a reasonable and honest answer----even if some do not like it.Many people on this thread have recounted stories that confirm that I am not the only Scot with similar views. Have you not seen them?
    I appreciate the honest answer you provided. I am not Scottish I am an American. I do not pretend to be Scottish, but as it has been said in other posts on this thread as an American and to be American it is to be an immigrant from somewhere else. This is part of our national identity.

    I did not intend to make this an attack on you or other, intended, personal or otherwise. I was simply asking for your opinion and you graciously gave that, thank you.
    To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. -E. E. Cummings

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