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  1. #11
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    I will admit I have in the past worn a Sportkilt to "dressup events" including a daytime wedding. I received nothing but compliments, but now that I am more experienced with wearing the kilt as well as different fabrics and makers, I would not wear it for anything but pub wear, etc.

  2. #12
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    I wore a sportkilt to a scotch tasting that was rather high end. Most there were dressed in suits. This was a long time ago but I laugh at the things I did. Now brace yourself because this is going to make you squirm. I wore a sportkilt with a chrome thistle kilt pin with the widest black leather belt I owned (pants belt) and a big dropkick murphys buckle on the front. I wore bright green hose with yellow elastic flashes and black dress shoes. Up top I wore a white business shirt with a navy blue cashmere sweater over top. Both tucked into my kilt. For a sporran I cut up a pleather (fake leather) couch and sadly attempted to make a pouch with a flap and tried my best to pretend it was a sporran.
    I knew from previous years there was only one man who wore a kilt that was going to be there. he taught the How to taiste and appreciate scotch class.
    I thought I deserved points for Kilting up and trying my hardest. I did get bigger samples of scotch and the other kilted guy did come talk to me. But I am embarrassed for myself and hope to redeem myself next time I go to this Scotch tasting.
    SportsKilt=sweatpants or runners pants.
    Let YOUR utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one.
    Colossians 4:6

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanachie View Post
    Tank= 8 yard, 16 oz, worsted wool, knife pleated kilt

    SportKilts are very lightweight, non wool and designed with athletics in mind. I have one that was an intro to kilting and I wear it around the house and lounging on a Friday night with a movie. I would not wear it for a formal occassion.
    This is it exactly. They're the same as wearing sweat pants with a suit. I appreciate the sentiment... but SportKilts are just not good for anything other than yard work!
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  4. #14
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    This is it exactly. They're the same as wearing sweat pants with a suit. I appreciate the sentiment... but SportKilts are just not good for anything other than yard work!
    I take Issue with This. Not all of us want to wear or can afford a $400.00 hand made kilt and not every one wants heavy wool. Some of us actually like the kilts made by Sport kilt. I think their Ultimate kilt Looks really nice I agree They are not as fancy, heavy or as expensive as wool kilts. I say some of the Sport kilts look great and people should not be judged for wearing them. I have three of them and I love them. You can not buy a custom made kilt anywhere else for under 200 dollars, not to mention if you like pockets or need a shorter length. I say Sport Kilts are great for athletes, wearing around home AND formal wear.
    I am Matty Ross of the Clan ROSS

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matty Ross View Post
    I take Issue with This. Not all of us want to wear or can afford a $400.00 hand made kilt and not every one wants heavy wool. Some of us actually like the kilts made by Sport kilt. I think their Ultimate kilt Looks really nice I agree They are not as fancy, heavy or as expensive as wool kilts. I say some of the Sport kilts look great and people should not be judged for wearing them. I have three of them and I love them. You can not buy a custom made kilt anywhere else for under 200 dollars, not to mention if you like pockets or need a shorter length. I say Sport Kilts are great for athletes, wearing around home AND formal wear.
    Actually, you can get a 'Casual Kilt' made of P/V from either Skye Hyland Outfitters or USA Kilts for just over 100USD. Both of which can be tailored to your measurements. P/V will hold up much better than the material Sport Kilts are made of and the casuals are generally made of around 5 yards or less making them fairly light weight as well. This is generally why most folks advise against Sport Kilts for more than athletics. There are options out there that are simply a better value.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdarwin View Post
    Actually, you can get a 'Casual Kilt' made of P/V from either Skye Hyland Outfitters or USA Kilts for just over 100USD. Both of which can be tailored to your measurements. P/V will hold up much better than the material Sport Kilts are made of and the casuals are generally made of around 5 yards or less making them fairly light weight as well. This is generally why most folks advise against Sport Kilts for more than athletics. There are options out there that are simply a better value.

    USA Kilts or Skye Highland Outfitters are both inexpensive options for a casual kilt and they look 10,000X better. USA-K and SHO are made as a casual kilt option SK is made for sports.
    Let YOUR utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one.
    Colossians 4:6

  7. #17
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    I do still love my Sportkilt, but I'd venture to say that even a Stillwater Standard ($80) or a Frugal Corner Heavyweight ($95) would be more appropriate for a semi-formal.

    BTW, I do currently own a Sportkilt Works (Ferguson Tartan), Stillwater Standard (McLaren Tartan) and a Frugal Corner Heavyweight (Masonic Yartan).

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matty Ross View Post
    I take Issue with This. Not all of us want to wear or can afford a $400.00 hand made kilt and not every one wants heavy wool. Some of us actually like the kilts made by Sport kilt. I think their Ultimate kilt Looks really nice I agree They are not as fancy, heavy or as expensive as wool kilts. I say some of the Sport kilts look great and people should not be judged for wearing them. I have three of them and I love them. You can not buy a custom made kilt anywhere else for under 200 dollars, not to mention if you like pockets or need a shorter length. I say Sport Kilts are great for athletes, wearing around home AND formal wear.
    I don't own a Sportkilt, but I was in agreement with you all the way until your last two words. They are great for what they are... but what they are was never intended to be formal. They simply aren't constructed in the kind of manner that a formal kilt should be.

    I mean, you're essentially taking the stance that "a kilt is a kilt", which is like saying "trousers are trousers". Well, you wouldn't wear pajama bottoms with a suit and tie, would you? Even though they are trousers of a sort, and generally resemble suit pants because they have two legs, they just don't make the grade for being worn in that context. Sport kilts are the same way. Wearing them in any sort of formal context is a bit of an injustice to formality itself.

    But again, I think you're spot-on that Sportkilts can certainly be a good option for people who want a lighter, less expensive kilt that they aren't afraid to get dirty. I just don't think they are appropriate for dressing up, unless it's for a crowd who knows absolutely nothing of kilts or Scottish dress. And at that point, it's still inappropriate but one can fake his way through it.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    Wearing them in any sort of formal context is a bit of an injustice to formality itself.
    Sorry to take your quote out of context, Tobus, but I think this it the nub of it for me.
    I own a Sportkilt and I love it for what I use it for.
    But, I can't imagine getting all the trappings of a formal outfit, and then putting a Sportkilt under them. If you're going to dress formally, then I think there's a standard that you've got to meet.
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

  10. #20
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    I have faked my way through 3 seperate formal occasions, as well as many churchgoings, and daily errands with my sport kilts, with nothing but good things said.
    If I. Could afford a tank, I would have gone in that direction, but at least I had a tartan kilt to wear.

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