26th May 11, 01:56 PM
 Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome
I'm not a moderator, but I do know many who are either current or former moderators. With that in mind, I just thought I'd take this opportunity to clarify something that is perhaps not well understood by many who get notified that one of their posts has been reported for a rule violation.
The policy in place currently with the moderator staff requires them to notify a member any time an posting of theirs is reported to them. This is regardless of whether or not that post is actually in violation of the rules. Heck, even I have been notified on more than one occasion that a posting of mine was reported to the moderators. But more often than not, the moderators look at it and decide what I said was ok and life goes on.
So a notification like that simply means that someone has reported your post. Not that you necessarily have violated any rules. I think it is important to recognize that distinction.
I was not notified in such a way, my post is about threads being closed or "cooled off" because someone starts a personal war over basically nothing. This is about actual removals of threads because of those who cry at the slightest pin prick.
26th May 11, 02:00 PM
 Originally Posted by Chirs
...I tend to take the position that everyone is free to hold what opinion they like and, should they avail themselves of the right to express said opinions, they must prepare themselves for what rebuttals may come.
Exactly! I had noted before that if someone has an issue with a post they need to talk it out with the individual first and not cry to teacher at the drop of a hat. That's the thing that really bothers me. No personal yet polite confrontation, just report 'em!
26th May 11, 02:02 PM
 Originally Posted by biblemonkey
Post reported.
Typoes offend me.
Daft Wullie, ye do hae the brains o’ a beetle, an’ I’ll fight any scunner who says different!
26th May 11, 02:09 PM
An interesting thread and one that goes to the heart of what a forum like this should actually be about. There is a finite limit to the number of aspects that can be raised concerning the wearing of any garment and a kilt is no different in that respect. Types of dress can be discussed ad infinitum when, actually, several comprehensive threads from the past cover the subject in all the detail that anyone could ever want. Shoes and hose seem capable of inflaming intense passions, sometimes to the extent of raising questions by one contributor as to the gender orientation of another (although these inferences generally slip through un-moderated - search any buckle brogue thread)
Regional differences quite frequently raise their heads and it becomes very apparent that there are indeed “two nations separated by a common language” here, so that the background and language nuances of one are completely misconstrued by the other and almost invariably ridden roughshod over as a result.
What I am trying to get at, in effect, is that if discussion is stifled to such an extent the whole forum becomes an anodyne and, sadly, innocuous cycle of endlessly repetitive trivia. As an occasional visitor nowadays I can sympathise with the OP’s comments but I have to say that they resonate very much with my experience and are thus nothing new to this forum.
Perhaps new members could be issued with a set of guidelines as to how they can contribute without actually saying anything that encourages lively discourse. This could be reinforced with a set of acceptable words and phrases guaranteed not to cause discomfiture to the most sensitive among us.
26th May 11, 02:22 PM
Okay, I admit, I am usually only on the forum for a few minutes a day, and usually enjoy reading the different posts (and usually stealing a few good jokes.) I rarely, if ever, check the cooling-off corner just because I usually don't have time.
So I took a few extra minutes and checked out the threads. While I did not see anything particularly incendiary (I do have a thick skin), I could see why some people, dependent on their culture or belief system, could get upset.
However, I don't see why any "disputes" could not have been settled through an intelligent discussion or a exchange through private messages, as I have done with several other members. I do think it is a shame that moderators felt that they had to become involved, whether the post was reported or not. I'm not going to drop off the forum over this issue, I have learned a lot and conversed with some great people.
Face it, we wear kilts, we're rugged individualists. We put up with the slings, arrows, and stupid comments of lesser, non-kilt wearing humans and come away stronger. Do we REALLY need to go running to Steve because someone said something we didn't agree with 100%? Damn it, if you don't like what I say, tell me directly! I will defend my comments without name-calling and profanity and will try my best to see your point of view, if you do the same.
"You'll find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." -Obi Wan Kenobi
26th May 11, 02:31 PM
 Originally Posted by Tony
Post reported.
Typoes offend me.
"Typos" effendi
26th May 11, 02:43 PM
 Originally Posted by Phil
Perhaps new members could be issued with a set of guidelines as to how they can contribute without actually saying anything that encourages lively discourse. This could be reinforced with a set of acceptable words and phrases guaranteed not to cause discomfiture to the most sensitive among us.
"Nice kilt! You wear it well!"
Last edited by davidlpope; 26th May 11 at 02:52 PM.
26th May 11, 02:51 PM
 Originally Posted by davidlpope
"Nice kilt! You wear it well!"
Even if it(the kilt) is not and you are not! The above are two of the most unhelpful comments ever uttered on this website!
" Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.
26th May 11, 02:51 PM
Just to keep everyone informed.
This thread has now been reported to the Moderators as containing a violation of Rule # 7.
But to keep the Moderators from any further accusations I am asking them not to move it to The Cooling Off Corner while they deliberate and vote on the rule.
If anyone would like to add their comments to the Moderators discussions I am sure they would welcome hearing from you.
Last edited by Steve Ashton; 26th May 11 at 04:21 PM.
26th May 11, 02:52 PM
 Originally Posted by Jock Scot
Even if it(the kilt) is not and you are not! The above are two of the most unhelpful comments ever uttered on this website! 
Nailed it in one!
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