Thinking of Leaving
I don’t know, guys, but lately I’ve been a little frustrated with some of the things getting slammed on here. I wasn’t censured personally but some threads were closed while I was participating in them and enjoying them for what seemed to be the most minimal beginings of controversy. I understand the rules and agree that they have their place but I have been involved in a couple of threads lately that were closed because of controversial subjects because ONE person took large offense and notified a moderator instead of PM-ing the offender and dealing with it personally. It seems like some people want to make an issue personal whether it was intended to be or not, take quotes out of context, accuse others of hate or bigotry, etc, etc, etc. Most of us here are old enough to let some things slide and not get all up in arms over stuff that really doesn’t matter but the times that it has happened have gotten to me. Most of us are quite respectful and, in context, our posts are almost always friendly and mature in tone. There is so much useful information here and the friends I have made are wonderful, but this place is starting to get like youtube where any goober with a keyboard can take offense and rail to the heavens (or moderators) instead of dealing with it in a personal and adult manner. I’m just venting but frankly it has made me sick to see things degenerate this way. If you must post back be respectful and helpful because I really may take some time out of here.
Hear, Hear! I agree completely.
I have seen a lot of moderation going on lately. And it seems as if it's getting to the point where threads are being locked or put into the cooling off corner.
Xmarks has been boring in this last month. Less reaction to threads that are worth wile. Less helpful comments. And less people just having a conversation. There was tention between the traditional kilt wearers and the more relaxed kilt wearers and ever since then things haven't been the same.
That said to loose you would suck. You have a lot of really good things to offer. And if enough people like you leave The poor suckers like me will be lost. Your kind words and the strong ones are appreciated. You have your own decision to stay or go. But I for one will miss your point of view.
Let YOUR utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one.
Colossians 4:6
Reported Post - Farewell Message by Canuck of NI
This is an opportunity for me to say that I've bailed from Xmarks for now. I got one too many unfair messages stating that I'd been reported for a violation of the rules, which is to say I got a second one. It's been fun but I don't enjoy feeling like a naughty second grader.
I have enjoyed being here for the past two years or so. I've made some good web-friends as well as exended clan contacts. May you all be well.
I agree there seem to be a few too many people who are so thin skinned they report the slightest offense.
but then, if other people's thin skin is making you leave....
I don't get that at all.
best wishes wherever you go.
Daft Wullie, ye do hae the brains o’ a beetle, an’ I’ll fight any scunner who says different!
biblemonkey: What you say makes a lot of sense to me, except the part about you leaving us. For example, I thought the posting about Scotweb infusing capital (or buying) Dalgliesh was compelling, informative, and was giving a fascinating look into the Scottish weaving business and its economics. I don't understand why it was put into the "cooling off corner", or whatever its called.
Let me hasten to state, however, that I know nothing about managing an important, robust, informative, and useful internet blog with a wide variety of contributors many of whom have conflicting ideas, opinions, and interests. I'm sure the moderators have valid reasons for most, if not all, of the actions they take. But, they are human and make mistakes like all of us. Hopefully, some of them will post informative replies to your concerns. 
I can only encourage you to stay with us. I enjoy your postings and would miss your participation. I'm sure many others feel the same. Hang in there and try to ignore the rude postings.
mookien (John)
PS: Canuck of NI: I hope you reconsider. I'd hate to see you go, too.
I changed my signature. The old one was too ridiculous.
I'd hate to lose you, too. I agree about the moderation here lately. Things I'd like to read get locked; others that are in clear violation (especially profanity) go on and on. I've wondered if there's some disgruntled person with an ax to grind who reports members with whom he/she has disagreements. Must be a lonley person.
Last edited by piperdbh; 26th May 11 at 10:46 AM.
When given a choice, most people will choose.
My heart is honestly saddened by all those familiar names I see saying they are going to jet. I havent been on xmarks for a long time, but I have been here long enough to realize how much I need all of you guys if I am going to make this all work! My first experience with a belted plaid was wearing a bedsheet! I mean, come on! If it wasn't for you guys, I would have been suckered into one of those 1yard cotton deals you see at the flogging molly concerts! I encourage each and everyone to press on and just take into consideration that there will be strife and conflict, but the only way its going to get better is if you are a positive influence! 
Granted, I have no idea what is going on with the thread closures and junk, maybe I am just not "in the know," but I would really miss you guys!
Don't forget, Paul had it rough too! 
Philippians 4:2
"I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to live in harmony in the Lord."
[-[COLOR="DimGray"]Floreat Majestas[/COLOR]-|-[COLOR="Red"]Semper Vigilans[/COLOR]-|-[COLOR="Navy"]Aut Pax Aut Bellum[/COLOR]-|-[I][B]Go mbeannai Dia duit[/B][/I]-]
[COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="2"]"I consider looseness with words no less of a defect than looseness of the bowels."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]- John Calvin[/B]
I have to agree with BIBLEMONKEY on this one. While I have no intention of leaving XMARKS, I find myself spending more time and actually posting more on other Kilt related sites than here.
I hope XMARKS find it's mojo again soon, but in the mean time I will still enjoy learning from the many wonderful people here.
26th May 11, 10:43 AM
Wow! I hope this isn't a trend.
"When I wear my Kilt, God looks down with pride and the Devil looks up with envy." --Unknown
Proud Chief of Clan Bacon. You know you want some!
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