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  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by artificer View Post
    I don't blame the moderators, they're doing what they are supposed to, which is responding to complaints. I DO find it a bit disheartening that there are apparently SO MANY complaints, and in a good many cases, about what seem incredibly minor things.

    I wonder if the mod team could keep (internally) some sort of list of who is making complaints, and if it seems to be the same few people time and again, issue THEM a warning to either be less sensitive or to just not visit the particular thread.

    I do like the general atmosphere of congeniality that is X-Marks, but lately it seems more like the school room than it does the club.

    We're all big lads here, the occasional ding to our "sensibilities" shouldn't send us running off to complain. Either ignore the thread, or give your two cents about WHY you disagree.

    Sing it, brother.

    There have been a lot of really constructive posts in this thread, I think, and the funny thing is that it seems the "collective rabble" (the true majority?) may be much better represented here, than by the report-a-post function. If true, that speaks volumes about what course of action the moderation staff should consider.

    Quote Originally Posted by davidlpope View Post
    Nailed it in one!
    Ding ding ding!!!

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Ashton View Post
    Just to keep everyone informed.

    This thread has now been reported to the Moderators as containing 2 violations of Rule # 7.

    But to keep the Moderators from any further accusations I am asking them not to move it to The Cooling Off Corner while they deliberate and vote on the rule.

    If anyone would like to add their comments to the Moderators discussions I am sure they would welcome hearing from you.
    Sounds like someone is trying to instigate the mods into closing down a thread about mods prematurely closing down threads. Then the same person or persons can stand back and say "see, look how quick they are stifling debate" Don't take the bait moderators, keep this discussion going.
    "Blood is the price of victory"
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  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Ashton View Post
    Just to keep everyone informed.

    This thread has now been reported to the Moderators as containing 2 violations of Rule # 7.

    But to keep the Moderators from any further accusations I am asking them not to move it to The Cooling Off Corner while they deliberate and vote on the rule.

    If anyone would like to add their comments to the Moderators discussions I am sure they would welcome hearing from you.

    Seriously, people? What in the Nine Circles could POSSIBLY have been offensive in this thread?

    Quote Originally Posted by Woot22 View Post
    Sounds like someone is trying to instigate the mods into closing down a thread about mods prematurely closing down threads. Then the same person or persons can stand back and say "see, look how quick they are stifling debate" Don't take the bait moderators, keep this discussion going.
    I entirely agree, and grow increasing frustrated that the whole community seems to be held hostage by a few immensely hyper-sensitive individuals.


  4. #54
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    Rule 7

    I was always told if one withdraws from a club(Xmarks is in a way) one walks quietly away(metaphorically speaking), holding one's tongue, keeping one's council and don't look back.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by dutchy kilted View Post
    ... we're rugged individualists.
    Speak for yourself.

    I know that it isn't always easy to open a dialogue regarding differences of opinion and that's probably why people use the moderators. I don't take personal offence when my posts get flagged. I don't see the point. I don't want a heated exchange with someone else here either. I don't like the bad blood it can engender. I've experienced enough of that on other forums.

    This has been posted before, but it's worth seeing again.

  6. #56
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    I have enjoyed this thread and i agree with almost everyone.
    I have to admit though in regards to Steve's post about having to voice the positive to mods to counteract the negatives. I understand the theory but admit when i am reading the forum posts i don't think about having to tell mods i have no problems with what i have read. In that regards it seems like a flawed system. If there are several pages with members having a discussion and not voicing any complaints but one person complains It seems to me to be a very clear indication of what the majority wants without us telling the mods we are enjoying the conversation.

    I do not intend to offend but merely state my opinion. And to be fair i say i never think to tell a mod i haven't got a problem with a thread i should also say i have never thought to report a thread to mods either. Admittedly i have a thick skin.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Rule 7

    I was always told if one withdraws from a club(Xmarks is in a way) one walks quietly away(metaphorically speaking), holding one's tongue, keeping one's council and don't look back.
    I tend to agree, but does it apply here? and is it offensive?

    The OP didn't say he was done with X-Marks, simply that there have been some events occurring lately that made him feel the need for a break.

    I see this thread not as a "goodbye, you stink :P" but a "guys, I feel frustrated by this and may need a break", one is simply airing the laundry, the other was approached in a way as to be constructive - it opened this dialog, after all.

    The fact that there have been reports to the mods about trigger-happy reporting to mods should highlight the problem. Especially when everyone has been perfectly civil in the discussion.

    Again, I think the question should be asked of the reportee: Is it offensive, or did you just not like/agree with it?


  8. #58
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    Perhaps if there could be a vote system implemented similiar to youtube, except if the thread received a certain number of negative votes, it would then become flagged or either closed. Maybe a number like 10-15 negatives and xmarks accounts would be linked to 1 vote each. IDK, just an idear! Lord, help the pygmies.
    [-[COLOR="DimGray"]Floreat Majestas[/COLOR]-|-[COLOR="Red"]Semper Vigilans[/COLOR]-|-[COLOR="Navy"]Aut Pax Aut Bellum[/COLOR]-|-[I][B]Go mbeannai Dia duit[/B][/I]-]
    [COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="2"]"I consider looseness with words no less of a defect than looseness of the bowels."[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]- John Calvin[/B]

  9. #59
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    No one reported this thread as being offensive.
    No one is being thin-skinned.

    Get your facts right folks.

    Rule #7
    - Too often ‘farewell messages’ are bitter and full of disappointment. Farewell messages will be deleted.

    This rule has been in place since the most early days of this forum. Long before I or any of the current staff.

    Now perhaps you can understand why this rule was instituted in the first place.

    In the end, if you want to leave the forum then do so. If you're unhappy with the forum leave. No one twisted your arm to join here. There are other forums where there are no rules and you can say whatever you want.

    The Forum Moderators job is to keep this forum civil, polite and respectful. They must uphold our rules and policies.

    Rule # 7 is pretty cut and dry. I don't understand the need to try to muddy the waters with all the accusations being thrown about. Get your facts right.

    Well, actually I do know what this is all about. It is mud slinging. An attempt to drag this on and on. An attempt to draw the Moderators into closing this thread so another can complain about how we stifle discussion. Good try, but no cigar.
    Last edited by Steve Ashton; 26th May 11 at 04:08 PM.
    Steve Ashton
    Forum Owner

  10. #60
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    The fact is the OP was not giving a farewell message.
    He was indicating his frustration that threads were being closed, unnecessarily in his opinion, due to complaints he - and others - considered unjustified.
    Only at the end did he state that he was "thinking" of taking a break. That seems to me neither final nor indicative of necessary action.

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