30th May 11, 05:46 AM
Here's a thought: instead of leaping for the "report post" button when something bothers you, why not respond (in an adult manner!) to the offending post within the thread. This keeps an interesting discussion going, as well as presenting your point of view on the issue at hand.
Alternately, there's the PM option if you feel that a fellow member deserves a particularly strong response.
I've never reported a post, but have never hesitated to respond to something I take issue with - as part of the ongoing thread, and for all to see....
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin
30th May 11, 06:55 AM
 Originally Posted by Woodsheal
Here's a thought: instead of leaping for the "report post" button when something bothers you, why not respond (in an adult manner!) to the offending post within the thread. This keeps an interesting discussion going, as well as presenting your point of view on the issue at hand.
Alternately, there's the PM option if you feel that a fellow member deserves a particularly strong response.
I've never reported a post, but have never hesitated to respond to something I take issue with - as part of the ongoing thread, and for all to see....
30th May 11, 07:20 AM
 Originally Posted by Steve Ashton
I would like to make sure that you understand something. If you wish to leave the forum that is your choice. We all need to take a break once in a while.
If you want to leave because you don't like something, then speaking up is the right thing to do. You say that threads have been closed because someone reported it to the Moderators. Well, that is what the Report a Post System is all about.
The Forum Moderators do not act as morality cops. They respond only to reports of posts submitted by members. If a post is moved to the cooling off corner then one of your peers, another member, has reported it as a possible rule violation.
The system this forum runs under is that you, the members, will set the tone, the mood of the forum. If you find something wrong, offensive, or in violation of the rules it is up to you to report it.
This is how the staff know what the membership want as limits.
The same applies to something you see which you don't agree with. Report it.
Have you opened a line of communication with the staff? Have you voiced your concerns and attempted to make the forum better?
Remember the old saying, "If your not part of the solution, your part of the problem."?
If more members would talk to the staff the forum would get better. We need the balance of both sides of an issue talking to us. Only then can the Moderators be "Moderate".
We need everyone's input, your suggestions, your complaints. There are ways for every member to speak up. We post the staff roster and we have the Personal Message system. If you don't talk to us, if you remain silent, those who do speak will be the only ones heard.
If you simply want to take a break from the forum I can assure you that when you're ready to come back, and again be an active participant, the forum will still be here.
If however, you don't like how the forum is run, but have not tried your best to make it better, and in disgust post a parting shot of dissatisfaction on the open forum, well, that is what is called a "Farewell Message".
This is one of those times when the choice, really and truly, is in your hands.
Well said Steve!!!
30th May 11, 07:22 AM
 Originally Posted by Mael Coluim
I completely agree with Woodsheal!!! If something does bother you, pick and choose your battles mate.
30th May 11, 09:01 AM
It would be great if people would state their concerns either publicly or by PM, however that would require them to own up to their complaints. While I understand why the report post button is there, it is a little to anonymous and possibly a bit cowardly for me. How can we even think of building "community standards" if we would talk of such standards among the community?
As for wasting bandwidth? Isn't that what forums are for? I think this thread is much less a waste of bandwidth than all the duplicate threads that never get deleted or merged. Sometimes I wonder if the mods are too busy because of all the reported posts they have to deal with.
The bottom line is we will never be able to use bandwidth efficiently as long as the human element is present. This thread is exactly about that human element, about the thoughts and feelings of one human and the replies to those thoughts and feelings, which have surprisingly been overwhelmingly positive.
So if this is a waste of time, effort or technology, lets start another five threads on white hose, the positioning of flashes, what makes one a clan member, or since today is Memorial Day let's all start separate threads on that.
There are more important things in life, and yes assisting the victims and those helping them in Joplin, is undeniably more important than anything I or most of us will ever post here. However I don't think that we need to be reminded of it. I doubt any of us have forgotten, because we are the human element of this site, which means we are people and we think of and feel for each other, just as we were created to do.
30th May 11, 10:23 AM
There are more important things in life, and yes assisting the victims and those helping them in Joplin, is undeniably more important than anything I or most of us will ever post here. However I don't think that we need to be reminded of it. I doubt any of us have forgotten, because we are the human element of this site, which means we are people and we think of and feel for each other, just as we were created to do.
I'm sorry, but as someone who witnessed the destruction firsthand, I respectfully disagree. My aunt and cousin were literally two houses away from the path of the tornado -- they were very close to losing their home or lives entirely. As it is, their house will need a lot of repair to make it the way it was before.
As the President noted yesterday, in a couple of weeks, the cameras will focus on something else, but we in SW Missouri will still be helping our neighbors, along with caring individuals from around the country and the world. I'm sorry if you can't see why it is vital that we tell people what happened in Joplin, and try to point out that in the grand scheme of things, 139 people losing their lives, and thousands more losing everything -- is more important than this thread.
Apologies to get my dander up on this one, but as a Midwesterner, I'm going to call it as I see it, and make sure no one ever forgets what happened in Joplin.
Last edited by macwilkin; 30th May 11 at 10:30 AM.
30th May 11, 11:29 AM
Todd, first, it was good to see your username come up. Not knowing exactly where you are, I had been concerned about your well-being. No apologies needed, as we understand and would probably react similarly if there. Having stood on the edge of the Grand Canyon, I understand the impossibility of conveying in pictures the magnitude of what happened in Joplin. As would many, I would willingly drop everything to go help. As with most, I do not have the resources on hand to get there and provide meaningful assistance, and in reality would be a drain on already overstressed reserves there locally. Indeed, cameras will move on. Sendai, the Delta, tornadoes in Joplin and across the South; tragedy and destruction are staples in ongoing human experience. Most feel helpless in the face of it, and many grow numb from that inability to be of use. It is the common bond of faith, community, and seemingly mundane and trivial interests that we share together that help us weather the storms and tribulations we encounter in life.
It is my dear hope that no one else here will never have to see tragedy as you are, but I'm not holding my breath. Just Thursday last, on the way to a friend's farm, we were detoured twice by blue lights and downed trees, and stopped several times to clear the road of downed limbs. Not large-scale, but if it's your home, still tragic. A friend of mine, speaker for his tribe on ecological issues, went for a hike recently and returned to 11 fire trucks around what used to be his home. Inside were all the records of the handmade healing products business which supported his global outreach.
I can't know your pain as clearly as you, though as a long-time healing practitioner I do get some pretty strong echoes. You will continue to be on my prayer list, with your aunt and cousin added specifically to the Joplin portion. I dearly wish I had more to offer.
30th May 11, 11:41 AM
Well said Todd, you and yours, as well as the incredibly strong people of Joplin, are in our thoughts and prayers. As a Missourian (Saint Louis area, born in Chesterfield) myself and a proud midwesterner, this hits home for me, as I have been to Joplin/Springfield area many times throughout my life to visit friends and family. Peace be with you mate.
God Bless,
30th May 11, 02:56 PM
So people don't think that I am any more could and callous than usual, I did not mean to downplay the storm damage, or the aftermath of it. I just did not think that anyone here was mistaking this thread for anything of that magnitude and that we who are discussing things here have not lost perspective at all. This thread is not the most important thing in our lives right now (or hopefully ever) but it is important enough in reference to the rest of this forum and site for many of us to reply and keep replying.
Oh and as I said, I am replying in the thread, and I have PM's Cajunscot twice about this. I hope we do not need to bother the Moderators with any of this.
30th May 11, 07:55 PM
 Originally Posted by AFS1970
So people don't think that I am any more could and callous than usual, I did not mean to downplay the storm damage, or the aftermath of it. I just did not think that anyone here was mistaking this thread for anything of that magnitude and that we who are discussing things here have not lost perspective at all. This thread is not the most important thing in our lives right now (or hopefully ever) but it is important enough in reference to the rest of this forum and site for many of us to reply and keep replying.
Oh and as I said, I am replying in the thread, and I have PM's Cajunscot twice about this. I hope we do not need to bother the Moderators with any of this.
It may very well be that you are correct, however, when I returned home on Friday after spending the day in Joplin and seeing what I described to you in a PM, reading the bickering in this thread suddenly seemed silly. I'm sorry if that offends anyone, but we're fired up here in Missouri, long mocked and derided by the coasts as "flyover country", to help our neighbors and rebuild Joplin. To even suggest we shouldn't tell folks about what happened last Sunday hurts.
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