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  1. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woodsheal View Post
    Speaking of monkeys, I think Spider Monkeys are very cool. But, Chimpanzees are my favorites, which are apes, not monkeys - though some people insist on referring to them as monkeys. And... oh, wait. Uh....
    The let us not forget the First Law, as proclaimed by Caesar I: Ape Shall Never Kill Ape!

  2. #212
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    ...this thread has devolved into a veritable three ring circus. In more ways than one.

  3. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ross View Post
    ...this thread has devolved into a veritable three ring circus. In more ways than one.
    Dit dit didilditdilit dit dit dah dit Dit dit didilditdilit dit dit dah dit

  4. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bing View Post
    Many of us come from places in the world where if one is accused of an infraction in the public sphere they have the right to:

    *confront their accuser
    *present a defense

    The report button and practice of secret mod deliberation are antithetical to this, and are more akin to countries/regimes where one informs on a neighbor and then watches discretely from behind the curtains while the secret police show up to disappear the 'offender'. I guess what makes this system function is the thought that if the secret police are busy next door, then maybe they're just too busy to knock on my door?

    That is what I don't like about the current practice. But if it's the only one we've got I guess my choice is to conform or vote with my feet.
    Well said Bing. like John Carpenter told us in "They Live"....

    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
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  5. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zardoz View Post
    like John Carpenter told us in "They Live"....

    That movie was so terrible it reached heights of greatness.


  6. #216
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    Now I am going to have to start wearing glasses when I read this forum to see what people are really talking about?

    By the way, I recently bought that fine film on DVD.

    Although I am not sure that any level of forum moderation rises (or is it sinks?) to the levels in They Live, however I would also point out that the aliens didn't do to well at the end of the movie.

  7. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bing View Post
    Many of us come from places in the world where if one is accused of an infraction in the public sphere they have the right to:

    *confront their accuser
    *present a defense

    The report button and practice of secret mod deliberation are antithetical to this, and are more akin to countries/regimes where one informs on a neighbor and then watches discretely from behind the curtains while the secret police show up to disappear the 'offender'. I guess what makes this system function is the thought that if the secret police are busy next door, then maybe they're just too busy to knock on my door?

    That is what I don't like about the current practice. But if it's the only one we've got I guess my choice is to conform or vote with my feet.
    Bing, with all due respect, that is baloney.

    If I call the police in ANY country, saying that they are running a drug house across the road, the police are in NO WAY obliged to tell anyone that it was me who reported it, much less the people running the drug house.

    Furthermore, deliberations even in the United States are secret. The general public does NOT have the right to sit in or listen to a jury's deliberations during a trial in court.

    I think the system, the way it is, is fine. I have been on many sites that have a report the post button. What I DO however think a bit odd here is that the mods are OBLIGATED to respond to each and every complaint... On other forums, if someone is off-base with their complaint, the mods simply won't action it, and leave it be.

  8. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    Bing, with all due respect, that is baloney.
    Let's parse this out point by point.

    If I call the police in ANY country, saying that they are running a drug house across the road, the police are in NO WAY obliged to tell anyone that it was me who reported it, much less the people running the drug house.
    If you witness a crime being committed and call it in to the police the prosecutors can certainly decide later to call you as a witness at trial. The accused will see you in open court and the defense attorney will have the opportunity to question you. In the situation you offered both prosecution and defense will probably will ask you questions regarding the comings and goings of the occupants, visitors, property maintenance or lack thereof, and any other suspicious acts or events that led you to make the call in the first place. Your call and your evidence are likely what the police used to secure a search warrant in the first place.

    Furthermore, deliberations even in the United States are secret. The general public does NOT have the right to sit in or listen to a jury's deliberations during a trial in court.
    Agreed, but that wasn't the point that I was making. You've skipped the defense portion of the trial and jumped right ahead to jury deliberations. Which is great for expediency and efficiency but it can lead to rather gross miscarriages of justice.

    Again, if you are the accused then your advocate (or you if pro se is your thing) can not only ask questions of the prosecution witness, but can also present a defense to the charge by offering evidence. Here the mods go straight to deliberations after gathering the prosecution evidence themselves (police role), presenting the case amongst themselves (prosecution role), deliberating and arriving at a verdict (jury or judge (if bench trial) role), registering the conviction and handing down the sentence (judge role) and carrying out the sentence (executioner).

    Again, efficient but more frequently carried out by regimes that can be described as 'tin-pot'.

    I don't like dictators and I don't like tyrants, but hey, maybe that's just me.

    I think the system, the way it is, is fine.
    I think it might be less cumbersome and without the need for a week-long super-seekrit PM fest if the responding mod takes a quick peek at the offending post, contacts the poster and says something like, "your post on thread (whatever) about (whatever) has been reported because (insert possible rule infraction here). Would you like to review this and edit this post, or would you like me to?"

    In most cases I would expect that a reasonable member would admit the error, edit the post and perhaps apologize if given a gentle hint in the right direction. And only then if the poster sticks to his guns and his words then let the whole rigamarole begin.

  9. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by woodsheal View Post
    speaking of monkeys, i think spider monkeys are very cool. But, chimpanzees are my favorites, which are apes, not monkeys - though some people insist on referring to them as monkeys. And... Oh, wait. Uh....

  10. #220
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    If anything at all, I mostly report my own embarrassing threads and posts that I want removed from the open forum. Ever so often I try to use the report button to point out a thread that someone is asking to have moved to another section or something like that.

    There's been too many times I've looked at one of my posts a little later on and realize it could be taken very wrongly, or was worded out of haste and did not say what I intended. Not sure I should get bent too far out of shape over other's posts.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

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