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  1. #21
    Join Date
    6th July 07
    The Highlands,Scotland.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pleater View Post

    It's t'others that have got themselves into a fret - and at their age too - they are all over 65years old.

    It is quite a to-doo aparently.

    I rather think that my mum would have enjoyed this - she always felt that she was looked down on by the rest of the family .

    What a hoot.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:
    That's the way!

    Thinking about it, I can imagine you having a "hoot" or three over this.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    5th November 08
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    I know of a lady who, after years of (pre-Internet) genealogy searching, came to the conclusion that "Those of my ancestors who didn't swing from their necks, swung from their tails!"

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    I have been pleasantly surprised at what I've found out about my ancestors. Quite a few of them were very high achievers and have my respect. There have also been a few unsavory surprises, but I'm not at all bothered by them. In fact, I have been researching on gg-grandfather, John Solby, for 30+ years, and I only know that he married my gg-grandmother and produced my g-grandmother and a son. My g-grandmother always claimed to have been born in Philadelphia, PA, but before the time when registration of births was required. I was actually excited when I found a reference to a John Solby as a "famous thief" in Philadelphia in the 1800s. I've found summaries of his trial and his appeal, but they do not contain any personal information about him. This is the first lead I've ever found for my gg-grandfather, and I hope it pans out. Heck, at least he was a "famous thief."
    Last edited by Lyle1; 28th June 11 at 02:07 PM. Reason: spacing

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    About 1882 GG GF brought his family to Texas from Ohio after his BiL killed a man after a Sunday croquet match! Was never spoken about but was a "dark secret" until my mother unearthed the records.

    Uncle was found not guilty (although he probably was, alcohol was involved) and died a pillar of the community 30 years later~
    [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][/FONT][I]Dùin do bheul, agus dannsa![/I]

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Genealogy on my Dad's side is pretty straightforward and proper. On my Mom's side, I prefer her adopted family's line to her blood line... Though her blood line might have had a fair bit more fun!!! (and actually crosses with the adopted family line!)
    NEVER a Spectator!
    When it comes to Hero's, RENEGADES are MINE!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    29th March 11
    Kettering, OH
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    I have the good luck of having my entire father's family history back to the late 1700's posted for me to find on the internet. Apparently, one of my distant cousins decided to do a detailed family tree as part of his Master Thesis and posted it on the internet to permit others to help expand upon. It has been made simpler as far as the history in the US because there has only been a single person with my last name who emigrated to the US in the 1700's; so anytime I run across another Shumway I know that I am somehow related to them. The part that so far has eluded me is my grandparent's wedding day. They refuse to tell anyone their anniversary date, and everyone believes this is because my father was conceived during one of my grandmother's visits when my grandfather was doing advanced training with the US Army in Texas. My father has since passed and my aunt has told them that no one will be upset about the date, and that we just want to be able to celebrate it. But, so far they hold fast to refusing to tell.

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