Eli's Coming - Three Dog Night How much is that going to cost?
If I Had A Million Dollars -- Barenaked Ladies What about last night?
Originally Posted by Alan H Some days you're the bat, some days you're the watermelon.
Falling Down ------- Tom Waits Did we party hard or something>?
"Greater understanding properly leads to an increasing sense of responsibility, and not to arrogance."
"Rock And Roll All Night" - KISS (The National Anthem of Rock and Roll) Who took pix???
"A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye" -Koloth
Kodachrome -- Paul Simon Color or Black & White?
Moving Pictures --- The Kinks Did anyone bring popcorn?
The Popcorn Song -- (I'm embarassed to admit this!) Barney the Purple Dinosaur What's showing?
Frankenstein - The Edgar Winter Group It's Halloween month, what are you going to be wearing?
Tears of a Clown -- Smokey Robinson and the Miracles What holiday comes next?
That Tuesday In November (Melbourne Cup Theme Song) - Mike Brady Will you be laying a wager?
Shoot straight you bastards. Don't make a mess of it. Harry (Breaker) Harbord Morant - Bushveldt Carbineers
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