30th April 07, 05:00 PM
Of the hose I have, Navy Blue actually works the best (Irony). If you don't plan on buying more, the go with the black. I dont have bottle green to compare, but my lovat green just don't work.
30th April 07, 05:35 PM
Try diced hose...
I suggest diced hose. They're a little pricey, but my pair from J. Higgins has held up really well over several years. I think they are the perfect way to set off an outfit that involves a military tartan. I often wear mine with my leatherneck kilt for black tie occasions. Once additional nice touch would be a set of your miniature medals for your lapel.
30th April 07, 05:35 PM
While I currently own just 2 pair of kilt hose, I'm gonna have to agree with Arrogcow, navy blue goes extremely well with this tartan.
First to fire ... ADA!
30th April 07, 07:03 PM
Actually, oatmeal hose, with a matching shirt, pick up the muted matching line in the tartan extremely well. And I am talking about the color of thescot's shirt in his avatar.
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long
30th April 07, 07:09 PM
Infantry Blue flashes would look good
I'm an 18th century guy born into the 20th century and have been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century.
We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing"
30th April 07, 07:42 PM
Infantry blue would be my choice, 11B
30th April 07, 08:37 PM
Since it's a symbolic tartan for the Army, I would use the traditional Army Uniform color schemes to outfit the kilt. Some green hose to parallel the Dress Greens, or Navy Blue or Black to go with the Dress Blues. Following the darker colors of the uniform will allow the kilt to really shine.
On a certain level, (if I had been Infantry) I could see using lovat blue hose with black flashes or even Navy flashes.
I like the idea of using the flashes to denote unit affiliation, a good set of gold flashes will do for me
I tend to wear navy blue (although you could think of it as Army blue )
shirt and hose with mine, and I think it sets the kilt off well. Sometime in the future (when finances allow) I am going to get a navy blue jacket as well.
I like the idea of wearing flashes in your branch color. I hadn't thought of that.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
I'd thought maybe diced hose, as suggested would really kick the outfit up a couple of notched too, but to the untrained eye (which you will probably encounter at the dinner) they might look uncoordinated. The dinner will be a bit formal right? for that I'd go with black hose, and matching tartan flashes if you've got 'em. The idea of matching your flashes color with your MOS is a good idea too, and would probably be noticed by the observant in attendance.
Will your lovely counter-part be in attendence too? Perhaps she could wear either a CG tartan plaid, or the Army tartan if you two wish to match. Just a suggestion.
Oh yeah! Thanks for the avatar.
I like the idea of branch flashes as well, and as mine would be yellow they actually match (now where to get yellow flashes - though I got matching tartan ones when I got my kilt).
Additionally, I am using a unit crest for a kilt pin (yes it is a little small, but it seemed appropriate).
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