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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    I'm puzzled. My father and I never get colds, I'm surprised other men do. We may sneeze, cough, feel run down, suffer aches and pains, suffer sore throats and such, but we don't get colds. Because if one has a cold one just sits about doing nothing but feeling sorry for one's self. No no no! There is work to be done and stuff to do. We may take a bit of cold medicine to treat the aforementioned symptoms (and drink a little more coffee than usual to keep going) but we certainly don't have colds.




    You take cold medicines? ;)

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schultz View Post
    You take cold medicines? ;)
    No alcohol in them .

  3. #13
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    That was funny. I know guys just like him. I've missed one half day of work in my life, due to illness. I guess I'm lucky. I think I'll call in sick tomorrow. I need to make up for lost time.

  4. #14
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    Think the poor fella needs to call his mamma!

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    I'm puzzled. My father and I never get colds, I'm surprised other men do. We may sneeze, cough, feel run down, suffer aches and pains, suffer sore throats and such, but we don't get colds. Because if one has a cold one just sits about doing nothing but feeling sorry for one's self. No no no! There is work to be done and stuff to do. We may take a bit of cold medicine to treat the aforementioned symptoms (and drink a little more coffee than usual to keep going) but we certainly don't have colds.



    Everyone knows that men either have minor symptoms that they ignore, or they are down with the plague. There is no middle ground.

    Of course, that doesn't mean we can't take the occasional "well day" to pursue manly things.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  6. #16
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    I haven't had a cold or any other illness in at least 10 years. The key is to give your immune system plenty of target practice. Stop cleaning, let dishes and garbage pile up, eat plenty of raw meat, dress as lightly as possible in the winter, and be sure come in contact with as many public and/or exotic surfaces as possible. It worked for me.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makeitstop View Post
    I haven't had a cold or any other illness in at least 10 years. The key is to give your immune system plenty of target practice. Stop cleaning, let dishes and garbage pile up, eat plenty of raw meat, dress as lightly as possible in the winter, and be sure come in contact with as many public and/or exotic surfaces as possible. It worked for me.
    It's true. Haven't you seen the episode of the Simpsons where Mr. Burns is diagnosed with every illness known to man? But seriously, I don't wash my hands, and I'm far healthier than the people that I know that are fanatical hand washers/sanitizer users. It's the same concept as a vaccine or immunization. Small exposure leads to immunity without illness.

    And whiskey isTHE BEST cold medicine ever!

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    I'm puzzled. My father and I never get colds, I'm surprised other men do. We may sneeze, cough, feel run down, suffer aches and pains, suffer sore throats and such, but we don't get colds. Because if one has a cold one just sits about doing nothing but feeling sorry for one's self. No no no! There is work to be done and stuff to do. We may take a bit of cold medicine to treat the aforementioned symptoms (and drink a little more coffee than usual to keep going) but we certainly don't have colds.



    Of course Jamie. We never get colds.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChromeScholar View Post
    Is cold medicine spelled W-H-I-S-K-Y?
    Thats exactly what it means. See above. Jamie only meant coffee in a rhetorical sense.

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  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crusty View Post
    It's true. Haven't you seen the episode of the Simpsons where Mr. Burns is diagnosed with every illness known to man? But seriously, I don't wash my hands, and I'm far healthier than the people that I know that are fanatical hand washers/sanitizer users. It's the same concept as a vaccine or immunization. Small exposure leads to immunity without illness.

    And whiskey isTHE BEST cold medicine ever!

    Right. Memo to self: find Crusty's pic; memorize; don't shake hands; don't eat his food.

    Other than that, good on you.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Right. Memo to self: find Crusty's pic; memorize; don't shake hands; don't eat his food.

    Other than that, good on you.
    Give me a break man. There was a blood drive at work and I gave double red. I was still a bit weak when I wrote that.

    It's not like I've sworn off washing my hands forever... I just don't make a habbit of it. If I get something on them, I wash them. I'm not one of those "wash before you eat, wash before you touch your face, blah blah blah" kind of people.

    And you probably wouldn't want to eat my food anyway. I'm a vegetarian.

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