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Thread: Ever wonder?

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    You have made your little bit of the planet just a fractionally better place to be - it might never be the same again.

    Lets hope that those two young men think twice next time they are planning violence.

    I hope your colleague was not badly hurt, I assume as you did not mention any damage that he was not - however if you had not intervened, who knows what could have happened?

    I'm just a natural intervener, never having the chance to think of not getting involved, so it is an interesting thought that you chose to go to help after previous consideration - it makes your reaction all the more commendable.
    I presume to dictate to no man what he shall eat or drink or wherewithal he shall be clothed."
    -- The Hon. Stuart Ruaidri Erskine, The Kilt & How to Wear It, 1901.

  2. #12
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    Guilty...all my life...think its testosterone poisoning.

    I'm nearly 64 now but last month over in Lahaina some 20 some year old punks, three of them, grabbed some surf clothes from a retailer and took off running. The store owner, a little guy, ran after them and came up from behind and knocked his goods out of the hand of the man carrying them.

    The three punks spun to confront the little guy. But my little brother - larger and more fit than I am had heard the ruckus and moved to the scene. I saw my brother's face, then the action, and without a thought moved to it too.

    For some reason, the young punks did the math on the three of us and more gathering folks and backed off. The store guy got his goods back and was happy.

    But, point is, there was no thinking about it - its just an instant reaction...adrenaline and testosterone cocktail.

    If I live that long I'll probably still be waving an angry cane at evil doers at 98.

    Ya done good. Its really hard for bad boys to stand up to folks willing to take them on.

    Last edited by Riverkilt; 6th July 08 at 11:28 AM. Reason: adrenaline surge
    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  3. #13
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    A very fine thing to do.

  4. #14
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    There usually are alternatives to becoming embroiled in a fracas oneself if one is mindful and gives it a moment of thought. It's not unusual for those who try to stop fights to come of worse than either of the original participants.

    E.g., once on the beach in Venice, California, I stopped a woman's being raped by three men who were holding her down by just standing not very far from them and looking at them. They got the idea from my body language and demeanor that I didn't approve, stopped what they were doing and let her go.

  5. #15
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    Way back when....this is about 30+ years ago, I was working in a record shop (remember them?). My boss asked me one day, out of the blue, what I would do if some one tried to rob the store when I was there. I replied something to the effect that I would tell them where to go. My boss just nodded and went onto something else. The next day a member of the Police Force came by the store and 'educated' me on what to do (hand over the money--money can never replace a life). I've never forgotten that lesson.

    A few years ago I was at a postal outlet in a drug store when two armed robbers came in and robbed the store. At one point they pointed the gun directly at me and told me to f*** off. I just kept repeating their description to myself over and over again, so when the police arrived I could give them a description.

    One never knows what one will do when the time comes. I'm a little guy so intervening in a physical altercation would probably just result in my being hurt. I do know that I have a BIG voice and I have used it to break up fights in the school hallways. Doing nothing is never an option, but thinking before acting will usually bring about a more successful conclusion--that said, I know some of the bravest acts have been spontaneous ones.
    His Grace Lord Stuart in the Middle of Fishkill St Wednesday

  6. #16
    My niece missed "cooperate with robbers" 101 in her work education. She works at a hotel and someone decided to lean over the counter when she was in the back to grab some money from the register. She heard the register open and investigated.

    She screamed. He ran. Then she ran after him. She followed him to his truck. nearly caught him. She was in the process of attempting to pull him out of the truck when he hit the gas and broke the hold. At which point she got up and ran after him until she got his license plate. Then she called the police.

    They never did apprehend this guy but I would imagine he will never rob another hotel.

    Have I mentioned that we are fairly feisty in my family?

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    So, cormacmacguardhe, you've demonstrated that facing a fear is often the end of the fear. Good on ye!

    "No man is genuinely happy, married, who has to drink worse whiskey than he used to drink when he was single." ---- H. L. Mencken

  8. #18
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    I just came inside from talking to my next door neighbor. He and his boss were accosted by 2 juveniles in the big city. His buddy was just about to get stabbed when jim came out of the house and was attacked by another guy. Other guy now has bloody nose and first guy took off running. Jim did not call the police. I hope I talked him into calling the police in the morning. I would be worried about these two bringing back help. Life has no value to some anymore. What a shame. But, Good job.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by gilmore View Post
    There usually are alternatives to becoming embroiled in a fracas oneself if one is mindful and gives it a moment of thought. It's not unusual for those who try to stop fights to come of worse than either of the original participants.

    E.g., once on the beach in Venice, California, I stopped a woman's being raped by three men who were holding her down by just standing not very far from them and looking at them. They got the idea from my body language and demeanor that I didn't approve, stopped what they were doing and let her go.
    Much agreed. I was just a high school kid walking down the street when I saw a guy punching a girl out. After a few closed fist punches to the face, she was in pretty bad shape. I had no idea what to do, and there was no way I could have taken the guy. But I just walked over, and my presence was enough to make him take a step back for enough time that she was able to run off and for a couple of bigger guys to come by and restrain him.

    It is scary though, as I'm from a city where weapons are common, and so is returning to the scene of a fight with a group of armed companions. Wiping your face and living to fight another day are unfortunately things of the past.

    But with that being said, cormacmacguardhe's situation sounds like the confrontation was coming to him just by his presence whether he wanted it or not.
    Last edited by siva011; 9th July 08 at 09:08 AM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    I also have wondered if i could do things in situations of danger. I doubt that at the time of the danger is becomes a thought process but your basic makeup that takes over. So that means you are a good person deep down for stepping in BRAVO.

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