That's really good news. You will continue to be in my prayers.
Good tidings to you and your family! Best wishes for your continued recovery!!!
I pray that the radiation did the trick. You will continue to be in my prayers, as you wait for the results to be known. I am glad that you are able to celebrate the holidays in relative peace. A happy Christmas and peace and joy in the New Year.
I was just wondering yesterday how things were going. Good to see everything is as planned. Keep up the good work and the great attitude, you'll end up being clean.
Truly glad to hear your news. Here's to the reutrn of good health
Glad to hear the news Stan! Have a very special Christmas Cheers Jamie
-See it there, a white plume Over the battle - A diamond in the ash Of the ultimate combustion-My panache Edmond Rostand
I'm so glad to hear that. Hopefully it'll be good news when the time comes!!
As always - my family will hold you in our hearts.
That's good to hear, Stan. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and that your new year is way better than this one has been.
"Touch not the cat bot a glove."
Yay! The prayers will continue. May you and yours have a blessed Advent and Christmastide.
Ken Sallenger - apprentice kiltmaker, journeyman curmudgeon, gainfully unemployed systems programmer
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