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  1. #11
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Edinburgh in August is Festival time and accommodation tends to be expensive and, unless you book early, scarce. Glasgow should be OK though and it is only a 30 minute train journey through to Edinburgh. London is always expensive. I suggest you try Trip Advisor for Edinburgh and you might get some suggestions there for self-catering places in and around Edinburgh.

  2. #12
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    I was going to ask about time/cost/distance between Glas & Edin and you gave me the answer. There is room for me in the Clan Crawford Homecoming so this is shaping up to be a fine holiday

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    the desolate sandy wastes of Tucson, Sonora Desert, Baja Arizona, USA
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    For a short stay in London, check out the Morgan Hotel - right around the corner from the British Museum, just a few short blocks from everything else.

    Don't know how they do it, but the Morgan provides a comfortable room and nice breakfast for a lower price than places that have reputations as absolute hell-holes.

    The suites are especially nice - decent-sized sitting room, tiny (microwave) kitchenette, great bath, etc.

    And, yeah, do get yourself to Ferintosh.
    - The Beertigger
    "The only one, since 1969."

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