Adorable!! Congratulations to the whole family. :ootd:
That is wonderful to hear Une, Congratulations
Glen McGuire A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
Congratulations and Best Wishes all around Une. She's beautiful.
Dee Ferret ad astra virtus
Congratulations! What a blessing!
Kilted Elder Chaplain & Charter Member, The Clan MacMillan Society of Texas [12 June 2007] Member, Clan MacMillan International [2005]
Congratulations and best wish to the newborn babygirl and all her family. Skål!
Thank you very much she is a true blessing, just thought this makes David a great uncle
She's beautiful. Congratulations to your daughter and the whole family.
Ho Ho Ho !!!
All the Best.....David. Why be part of the crowd Choose a Freelander Sporran A Member of the Caledonian Society of Norway My Photo Gallery Flickr
Originally Posted by Freelander Sporrano Ho Ho Ho !!!
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