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  1. #11
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    That's a really good first effort. It's obvious that this is not your first trip to the sewing machine; the seams are perfect.

    A couple of observations I would make:

    1. I would add a little khaki bow at the back like the regimental tams. The really old tams actually had a ribbon running through that would tie at the back, but the newer ones have a pseudo-robbon of wool sewn down on the back, and it adds a nice touch.

    2. The photo of you in the tam looks more like a US Army beret than a regimental tam. That may be your intention--which is fine with me--but the regimental tams actually look more like the photo of your son. (A fine looking lad, I must say.) They don't tend to "droop" (for lack of a better word) over the ear so much, and they don't stand up quite so much on the left side. A tratan flash on the side would add some stiffness and take some of that slouchiness out that you didn't care for.

    That is a great piece of work for sure. I'll be digging some blankets out of my stuff to send you.

    BTW, do the trees stiff all lean the same direction at Camp Drum? I knew I was in for some wind when I first stepped off the buss there back about '75.
    Jim Killman
    Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
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  2. #12
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    Hi Jim

    Quote Originally Posted by thescot View Post
    A couple of observations I would make:

    1. I would add a little khaki bow at the back like the regimental tams. The really old tams actually had a ribbon running through that would tie at the back, but the newer ones have a pseudo-robbon of wool sewn down on the back, and it adds a nice touch.
    That's the plan...just need to acquire the materials. Didn't think to look for matching ribbon when I bought the yarn and thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by thescot View Post
    2. The photo of you in the tam looks more like a US Army beret than a regimental tam. That may be your intention--which is fine with me--but the regimental tams actually look more like the photo of your son. (A fine looking lad, I must say.) They don't tend to "droop" (for lack of a better word) over the ear so much, and they don't stand up quite so much on the left side. A tratan flash on the side would add some stiffness and take some of that slouchiness out that you didn't care for.
    Totally understand you. Yes...I was looking for a cross-breed between my beret and a tam...it was definitely intentional. The current RRoS tam has a smaller crown than mine does...that's the main reason it doesn't flop over as much...the older ones did lay down farther more like mine, based on the pics I've seen. I will disagree somewhat on the shape for the left side though...I looked at alot of pics of the current issue tam...and they do stand up pretty straight with the plume and everything...it's what prompted me to reshape the second one slightly...I may be wrong...it wouldn't be the first time! LOL By the way...since posting, I have added a square of my BW tartan and a cap badge. I might consider making a plume from wild turkey breast feathers...to make it distinctly American, with a Scottish flavor of course!

    Quote Originally Posted by thescot View Post
    That is a great piece of work for sure. I'll be digging some blankets out of my stuff to send you.

    BTW, do the trees stiff all lean the same direction at Camp Drum? I knew I was in for some wind when I first stepped off the buss there back about '75.
    I'll accept donations of blankets! Yes it is still windy here...all the time. Haven't noticed the leaning trees so much...but probably is true.
    "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." -- Thomas Paine

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  3. #13
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    Very sharp. Ya know, I've got a camel hair blazer in the closet that has "shrunk". That could be a fantastic bonnet. Wink, wink , nudge, nudge Virtually all the materials needed for a nice lined bonnet.

  4. #14
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    Tams look good. Though I do have to ask - where did all the gray come from, Matt or Em?

    FWIW, the rucksack mods you did for me back in 98 are still going strong.
    Garrai Eoin!! - Garryowen!

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  5. #15
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    While not as common, this pic of the some Lovat Scouts shows a tightly molded bonnet. Notice the placement of the badge.

  6. #16
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    Hello Chrissy Baseplate!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by rdjmchris View Post
    Tams look good. Though I do have to ask - where did all the gray come from, Matt or Em?

    FWIW, the rucksack mods you did for me back in 98 are still going strong.
    A tour in Iraq and three tours in Afghanistan might have had something to do with the grey hair! Especially that last Afghanistan tour (and not from the stress of the enemy threat....I have seen the enemy...and he is us!). Glad to hear that the mods are hanging in there...very cool!!

    For all you who aren't aware and reading this post...rdjmchris is the closest thing I have to a brother...we went to college together and have been stationed together as well...I changed his kids diapers and vice versa!
    "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." -- Thomas Paine

    Scottish-American Military Society Post 1921

  7. #17
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    Great Pic

    Quote Originally Posted by cavscout View Post
    While not as common, this pic of the some Lovat Scouts shows a tightly molded bonnet. Notice the placement of the badge.
    Haven't seen that pic before I don't think...thanks for sharing.
    "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." -- Thomas Paine

    Scottish-American Military Society Post 1921

  8. #18
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    Since you are experienced in making clothing for reenacting, what would be the best fabric for this TOS? Would it be a melton or felt? Or should I go around looking for surplus blankets?

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeathBar View Post
    Since you are experienced in making clothing for reenacting, what would be the best fabric for this TOS? Would it be a melton or felt? Or should I go around looking for surplus blankets?
    I believe the type of wool that you would be looking for is a "flannel" or "duffel" in about a 12oz. weight or heavier...it needs to be a woven wool fabric and have some body too it...modern Army blankets are some sort of pressed together wool felt...those would not be a good fabric for it...this blanket that I'm using is VERY old...WW2 or earlier...and has long since exceeded it's life as a blanket...hence I had no issues about re-purposing it. You can see the thread weave...and it's nappy on the surface...that's what you want.
    "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." -- Thomas Paine

    Scottish-American Military Society Post 1921

  10. #20
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    Very nice!

    It seems IŽll have to make another improved model!
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