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Thread: Ties

  1. #11
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    Ah yes, what type of tie to wear?! For me, it depends on the mood I'm in. I still like a solid color tie, on occasion but, like McMurdo, I started wearing the Army Benevolent Fund tie. It does tend to go with many tartans. Here it is with a Robertson kilt, which was made by Bonnie Heather Green.

  2. #12
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    Or, how about this tie option?? The kilt is MacDonagh, and made by Wally Catanach.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by knotty View Post
    Ive been slowly adding to my tie collection. My ties collection runs the whole gammit, solid, stripe, tartan, geometric, paisley, flowered/painted.

    This is my last 2.
    Attachment 19156

    What is the feeling about flowered/painted ties with kilt wear?

    Is that a Jerry Garcia tie I see? I have a red one that I keep meaning to try with a vest so it's just a small pop of pattern. (~);}

  4. #14
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    I'm coming from the piping scene, where the standard is striped ties, or solid/selfcoloured ties, or ties with an all-over logo or crest design (sometimes with stripes also).

    A lifetime of seeing such makes these ties seem "right" to me.

    These ties often show former or current military service, or former or current membership in a certain pipe band, or school affiliation, or what have you. The only such I have is my RSCDS tie.

    Here are some of the top pipers in the world, gathered for the Glenfiddich competition in 2010

    Last edited by OC Richard; 31st May 14 at 05:32 AM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  5. #15
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    I thought I would add a couple of photos to illustrate what tie I normally wear with the kilt
    Here is Nathan and I with Donna of the Caledonia pub. I am wearing my ABF tie and Nathan is wearing a regimental tie.

    This was at the end of a very long day but the ties still look great.

    Another option is for a solid tie

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  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacLowlife View Post
    These days, tie wearing in general has shifted. One large school of thought has it that ties are for the middle and upper middle salaryman types. You are somebody's employee and the tie is proof of your bondage. The cool kids do not wear them. Neither do various other self-defined types. Another school, waning, but still holding on, has it that a tie is a sign of being a grown up and a responsible professional person. I think this group tends to wear "traditional" ties as a sign of their allegiance to a loose set of values. I am probably a member of this group, most of the time. But I do not wear one every day.

    But there is a third group- the people who do not have to wear a tie, but they choose to, like a scarf or a vest or some other accessorizing garment. These guys might wear a tie in such a way as to emphasize that they don't HAVE to wear one, like wearing it with no socks or wearing it with a denim shirt or even shorts. I think the flower* and painted ties tend to fit with this group, though bow ties are also popular with these folks.

    So maybe you ought to figure out where you are on the tie spectrum and then see how that meshes with your kilt wearing. Are you a stand up guy? Are you slightly hip? Do you dress 'for the job you hope to have some day'? Do you wear a tie because someone wants you to? Is wearing a tie an act of rebellion or an act of allegiance for you?

    Or is it like the kilt, just something to wear to keep from being naked?

    * many years ago, I heard someone refer to a certain tie as being "er a little Flow Pow" i.e., Flower Power-y. That, too can be good or bad, I guess.
    Maybe a tad over thinking there, MacLowlife?

    I wear a tie everyday because I like wearing ties and I think that it gives a nice professional appearance at work. No one forces me to wear a tie. I always wear "Regimental" ties. Where does that put me in your tie wearing groups?

  8. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCAC View Post
    Maybe a tad over thinking there, MacLowlife?

    I wear a tie everyday because I like wearing ties and I think that it gives a nice professional appearance at work. No one forces me to wear a tie. I always wear "Regimental" ties. Where does that put me in your tie wearing groups?

    Another school, waning but still holding on, has it that a tie is a sign of being a grown up and a responsible professional person...

    As we say on the wrong side of the tracks, there's your man.
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

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  10. #18
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    I've never really liked flowery or strongly patterned ties. When I did wear them (client facing job) our company tie, red and navy stripes with a discreet logo on the tip, served well and looks well with my Mackenzie kilts. That said, I rarely wear a tie at all these days - so perhaps I don't get a vote!
    Regards, Sav.

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  11. #19
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    I have to wear a tie 4 days out of the week for work, so I'm used to wearing them with or without a kilt. With the kilt, I like the regimental-type striped tie.

  12. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Jack Daw For This Useful Post:

  13. #20
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    I am at a loss for a picture, but I have gotten away with wearing a purple/silver Jerry Garcia Snail Garden tie with an IOS kilt.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    Some days you're the bat, some days you're the watermelon.

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