Awesome! You guys are going to look great.
One of the several things that impressed me in your photo in the OP is that I can see that the kilt is well centred.
In the pipe band I play in I just can't get everybody on board with that! Myself and one other "old hand" who have been doing this for ages always have our kilts, hose, and flashes just so. It's the way we were taught back in the day, and the way we've always done it.
In a pipe band perhaps 20% of the look is what kit you have, and 80% is how it's worn.
Well done!
BTW I was posting some pipe band photos from last weekend's local Games and I was surprised and pleased to see a pipe band wearing their kilts nicely centred, and at a remarkably uniform length, around the top of the knee, the hose likewise worn far more uniformly than one usually sees. The band is Prince Charles from San Francisco.
Last edited by OC Richard; 31st May 15 at 05:37 AM.
Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte