Originally Posted by AFS1970 My Hero Zero - School House Rock How many questions do we really need to ask? Questions 67 and 68 -- The Chicago Transit Authority What's the weather like outside today?
Allen Sinclair, FSA Scot Eastern Region Vice President North Carolina Commissioner Clan Sinclair Association (USA)
Good Day Sunshine - The Beatles What's the forecast for tomorrow?
Originally Posted by Alan H Some days you're the bat, some days you're the watermelon.
Sunny Day. Wyclef Jean. What difference does it make?
"All the great things are simple and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honour, duty, mercy, hope." Winston Churchill
Big. Dead Letter Circus Where do you plan to be in 5 years?
El Paso ... Marty Robbins Why do you ask?
"Daddy will you wear your quilt today?" Katie Graham (Age 4) It's been a long strange ride so far and I'm not even halfway home yet.
Originally Posted by ABG0819 El Paso ... Marty Robbins Why do you ask? I Care - Beyonce Knowles Was that the answer you wanted?
Gimme the Truth ... John Lennon Isn't that all we can ask for?
Originally Posted by ABG0819 Gimme the Truth ... John Lennon Isn't that all we can ask for? Yes It Is -- The Beatles Where will you be tomorrow?
"Working In The Coal Mine" - DEVO How long will I be there???
"A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye" -Koloth
A Day In the Life - The Beatles When will it end?
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