Thread crept off topic but very interesting nonetheless.
I think the jury has to be still out as to whether our ancestors with common surnames ran with clan Gunn. Going back in my ancestry I have Nielson who was a weaver in Paisley in the Scottish lowlands and also Wilson and Williamson both of whom came from Ireland. I've always assumed they were just shorthand for Niel's son; William's son, or even shortened further to Wil's son which any family with a pater by the name of Niel or William might have freely adopted without necessary being any relation of any other family which took the same name.
There are many common names in lowland Scotland which have no clan affiliation - Gardner for example of which I have two lines of ancestry and my wife also has one, was an occupational surname and there is nothing to suggest our three lines of Gardners were ever related to one another.
There is also the complication that families often changed their names - my wife's paternal line changes from McConnel to McConnell during the 1850's and another of her ancestry lines from Ayrshire changes from McIlmorrow to McIlmurray and then McMurray between 1780 and 1820.
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.