The best-laid schemes of mice and men often go astray.
He's the slave of all slaves who serve's none but himself.
The willing horse is always worked to death.
Empty barrels make the most noise.
A wild goose never laid tame eggs.
Those that board with cats may count on scratches.
He goes long barefoot that waits for dead men's shoes.
The tree doesn't always fall at the first stroke.
The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it.
He that counts all costs will never put plough in the earth.
If the Lord slight the lady so will the kitchen boys.
Fancy was a bonnie dog but fortune took the tail from it.
He that's born to be hanged will never be drowned.
Fair exchange is no robbery.
Wide ears and short tongues are best.
Better a good name than a fine face.
A friend to all is a friend to none.
Biting and scratching is Scots folk's wooing.
Fair words won't make the pot boil.
Anger is more hurtful than the wrong that caused it.
He was a bold man who first ate a Haggis.
Never argue - simply keep repeating your assertion.
Love of our neighbor is the only door out of the dungeon of self.
Friends are lost by calling too often, and calling too seldom.
Better keep the devil out, than have to put him out.
A fool may ask more than any wise man can ever answer.
Scottish by birth, British by law, a Highlander by the grace of God.
After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.
A bald head is soon shaved ( An easy task is soon completed.)
A penniless man walks fast through the market.
Whisky may not cure the common cold …but it fails more agreeably than most other things.
Say but little and say it well.
He who is wettest let him go to the well.
Like bailing the sea with a creel.
The worst cow in the fold, lows the loudest.
What cannot be helped must be put up with.