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View Poll Results: Should we make an XMTS Moderator Appreciation day?

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  • Yes they deserve it. Let's celebrate it on June 28th!

    61 61.62%
  • No they don't deserve... it's not like their job is hard.

    8 8.08%
  • Yes they deserve it, but I don't know when we should celebrate it.

    30 30.30%
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  1. #21
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    Yeah I think they deserve it. Of course I'm off the hook as there aren't any around here for me to buy a drink
    For the most part I have found the Mods here to very good at their jobs. There are a couple in particular who impressed me as being true diplomats; forceful as needed when necessary but always keeping the big picture in focus. If I ever meet them I will feel fortunate indeed.

    Quote Originally Posted by pdcorlis View Post
    Perhaps we could all just stop being such a pain in the A$$ for 24 hours to honor them....
    I think that is probably the best way to honor them!


    ps I just checked the date again I'll think of the Mods and raise a coffee (that's as strong as I get these days) to them from New Hampshire Motor Speedway at Loudon (Go Jr.)

  2. #22
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    They deserve our appreciation, especially, Mike1. I see from the forum news that Mike is going to be involved a lot less in the day to day forum, and I for one will miss his everyday involvement. He has been one of the two main driving forces behind this great community since I became a member in '04.
    "A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
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  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry View Post
    They deserve our appreciation, especially, Mike1. I see from the forum news that Mike is going to be involved a lot less in the day to day forum, and I for one will miss his everyday involvement. He has been one of the two main driving forces behind this great community since I became a member in '04.
    Don't worry, Mike is still here behind the scenes. Mike's role has simple changed to free up more personal time. He is focusing more of the Technical stuff that usually leaves the rest of us either scratching our heads or huddled up in the fetal position in the corner.

  4. #24
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    My only concern here is what you are calling the day itself.

    "Moderator Appreciation Day" makes us sound like a bunch of nice guys that volunteer our time and efforts to give back to a forum we enjoy participating in. It makes us sound like normal people who do good, sometimes aren't perfect, but always try their best for this place.

    It completely leaves out the entire sinister-evil-freedom crushing-facist-cruel-communist-left wing-prejudiced-right wing-self serving-vicious-mean spirited-unfair cabal aspect of the "Mod Squad".

    Instead of "Moderator Appreciation Day" perhaps something a little more menacing like...


    Seriously though Ayin, the thought is appreciated!


    Last edited by Panache; 11th June 08 at 01:09 PM.
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  5. #25
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    Yes, I believe the mods deserve a day of appreciation. I used to mod some boards and it can be hard and time-consuming work maintaining everything - and they don't get paid for this. Let us set up a day for moderator appreciation and let them know how important they are to us

  6. #26
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    EVERY day is Moderators Day!

  7. #27
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    I personally appreciate the work the mods do, and I know it's a pretty thankless task, so I think we should make a point of showing our appreciation, whether they appreciate it or not. (Little humor there, very little humor)

    Belly up, boys, first round is on me.

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  8. #28
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    It's good to show appreciation to the Mods for helping keep XMarks on an even keel - my gosh what a nautical expression!

    But there are others who serve either in, or on the periphery of, the Great Hall, such as our doughty House Chairmen (or House Chairpersons) who celebrate our rank ups and our birthdays and add that little personal touch to our kilted proceedings.

    Surely they need to be celebrated too!
    [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="1"]Reverend Earl Trefor the Sublunary of Kesslington under Ox, Venerable Lord Trefor the Unhyphenated of Much Bottom, Sir Trefor the Corpulent of Leighton in the Bucket, Viscount Mcclef the Portable of Kirkby Overblow.

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  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post


    Sounds like the title of a cheap B-movie.

    Let's see, the Moderators are strange other-worldly creatures.

    We House Chairmen obviously can't be the heroes, so I guess we're henchmen.

    We need a hero, and a few damsels in distress.
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  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by davedove View Post
    Sounds like the title of a cheap B-movie.
    No Dave! No! I see us in something big budget like the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. Actually those films are a favorite of the Mod Squad. We enjoy the sense of comradery amongst the heroes. They are such a dedicated band, true to their purpose, loyal, brave, resourceful, and strong. The Nine are truly inspirational. We see of lot of them in ourselves and how we go about our business.

    ...Not to mention how cool the Nazgūl looked in their fine black flowing robes and black armor riding their black mounts.

    They should have won.

    Stupid Hobbits!



    a.k.a. Panache, The Witch-king of Angmar, Lord of the Nazgūl, the Black Captain, and the Morgul-lord of the Great Golden Hall of X Marks the Scot
    Last edited by Panache; 11th June 08 at 01:35 PM. Reason: Typo

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