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  1. #21
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    I also agree that it seems that recently the 'cooling-off' trigger has been pulled a bit prematurely (in my opinion) and before the threads had a chance to work themselves out. That being said, I've had posts reported, threads shut, and some out-right nasty PMs sent my way. But these have all been the exception and not the rule here for me.

    I do not post as often as I once did for many reasons. I would offer that each of us makes our own decisions and has our own rationale. This kind of independence can lead to conflict at times and some may choose to disengage. That is sad, because we all lose benefit of their views. Personally I have no problem with discussion and debate as long as it doesn't fall to the level of ad hominem attacks (which is usually the first place of refuge for a weak and lazy mind).

    Hope you hang in there. Hope we sort this out with some not-so-common, common sense.

    Remember what G. B. Shaw wrote, "With freedom comes responsibility. That's why most men fear it".
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  2. #22
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    BurlyBrute: Great posting! Funny. I enjoyed it. Thanks.

    Paul did have it rough. He dished it out and then he took it. Tough guy.
    I changed my signature. The old one was too ridiculous.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Well i'll throw my 2 cents in the pot as a relative newcomer to this particular forum, but not to the internet and its "wild west" days.

    If I'm to play devil's advocate be part of the solution, then it might be worth considering creating an area of the forum which is less moderated... more of a check your guns at the door gentlemen, fisticuffs only inside here... you walk through the door at your own risk.

    Now this shouldnt be taken as carte blanche for posts, and less moderated is preferable to unmoderated... but it might allow threads to be continued while also allowing people to avoid them if they want to be in the PC world... maybe even a popup warning before it opens?

    Well like i said my 2cents and worth exactly what you paid for them...

  4. #24
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    There will always be post that can quickly send me "High and to the right," That's Marine Corps for going Postal. It is going to happen.

    I just don't revisit that thread again. I have enough exterior forces to lose sleep over, weather, employees, clients, girlfriend, my fur covered chainsaw a.k.a. "Princess Shredder"; the list is as long as I want it to be.

    Take a breath, take a break, move onto the next thread.
    Last edited by Inchessi; 26th May 11 at 12:14 PM. Reason: extrenous.

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Do you know I was reading through an old thread of mine that I started here and I could not help but notice the number of people who had contributed then and don't now and I really felt a sense of loss.Silly really I suppose, people come and go in life and why should a website be any different?

    So what am I saying? It is OK to voice an opinion,it is OK to voice a firm opinion, it is OK to have a differing opinion, it is OK to differ as long as we are courteous and it is OK to agree to differ. Sometimes the curse of all websites like this strikes, where the tone of voice is not able to be heard, which can, does and always will cause misunderstandings.

    Stay or go, please yourself, no one is holding a gun to your head. But for sure, we all have something to learn from each other and we are all the poorer if anyone should go.
    Have I mentioned, Jock, that I like you? Well, if I haven't, then I should. I like you. You're a wise man.

    Quote Originally Posted by madmacs View Post
    Well i'll throw my 2 cents in the pot as a relative newcomer to this particular forum, but not to the internet and its "wild west" days.

    If I'm to play devil's advocate be part of the solution, then it might be worth considering creating an area of the forum which is less moderated... more of a check your guns at the door gentlemen, fisticuffs only inside here... you walk through the door at your own risk.

    Now this shouldnt be taken as carte blanche for posts, and less moderated is preferable to unmoderated... but it might allow threads to be continued while also allowing people to avoid them if they want to be in the PC world... maybe even a popup warning before it opens?

    Well like i said my 2cents and worth exactly what you paid for them...
    I like that idea, and I think I've suggested it in the past... or posted support for it in another thread suggesting it. I don't remember exactly- been a while. The Iron Maiden forum is a prime example of the opposite extreme of this one- there is little to no moderation, barring threads that start to make personal attacks on band management or threaten violence towards one person or another. The discussions tend to degrade to the point where they're totally pointless written screaming matches. So yes, I think an Adults Only subforum would be a good thing for us grown ups who want to have grown up conversations. A light touch from the mods would be awesome in such a subforum.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  6. #26
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    madmacs: Good idea, though I have no idea how practical.

    Inchessi: Good advice.
    I changed my signature. The old one was too ridiculous.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inchessi View Post
    ... my fur covered chainsaw a.k.a. "Princess Shredder"...
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    ...Stay or go, please yourself, no one is holding a gun to your head...
    Quote Originally Posted by madmacs View Post
    ...more of a check your guns at the door gentlemen...
    As the risk of being more than a little irreverent and realizing that all attempts at humor may be in bad taste: How long before somebody make THAT complaint about this thread.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by AFS1970 View Post
    As the risk of being more than a little irreverent and realizing that all attempts at humor may be in bad taste: How long before somebody make THAT complaint about this thread.
    Ho hum... water pistols?

  10. #30
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    Be glad that mods are actually active in this forum. Other forums I'm a part of aren't so lucky and flame wars are started just about everyday.
    Gillmore of Clan Morrison

    "Long Live the Long Shirts!"- Ryan Ross

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