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  1. #21
    starbkjrus's Avatar
    starbkjrus is offline
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    Face it Rob, you need a bigger house for your kilts. Yeah.....thats it........

    Ferret ad astra virtus

  2. #22
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    Having moved my winter weight kilts and stash of fabric recently my sympathies have to be with the shelf.

    My shoulderblades are protesting and my collar bones are twanging after hauling a number of well filled plastic sacks in Nylon bags from the spot I want to put a knitting machine.

    Some enterprising supplier of wardrobe fittings should bring out a range of items marked with kilt shaped stickers to guide the shopper to items able to stand up to the weight of 8 yarders in 16 oz fabric - with a heavyweight range - perhaps a sticker of a kilt overprinted with a classic tank - or maybe a holographic double image on a swing ticket.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

  3. #23
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    So I got the shelf fixed today, and decided to re-arrange the kilts so the heaview ones were on the left close to the wall support. In doing so, I decided to take inventory. In that short 38" of shelf space I had the following kilts:

    3 UK mockers - OD, tan, and grey
    1 AK in tan with detachable sporran
    1 grey SK
    5 USAK casuals in PV - Irish National, Navy Stewart, US Navy, Cladish, US Army
    1 USAK semi-trad in PV - Black Watch (my funeral kilt)
    3 SWK heavy weights - solid green, shadow tartan, weathered Lamont
    1 SWK light weight - nightstalker
    2 PK - brown twill, grey heavy weight flannel lined
    2 Matt Newsome - X-Marks box pleat, Harris tweed box pleat
    1 light weight wool in Scottish pride
    1 med weight wool in Scottish National
    1 med weight wool in generic brown and green tartan
    1 X-Kilt in blue cloth, made by Alan H
    1 16oz Millenium tank!

    A total of 24 kilts!

    No wonder that poor shelf pulled out of the wall, that is a lot of weight! And I will be selling some of the herd (to make room for more) due to lack of use or lack of waist size. Apparently they have shrunk in the closet.
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  4. #24
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    So, you just kilt the shelf!
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair.

  5. #25
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    What do kilts, rabbits and tribbles have in common?





    They all breed like crazy.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    So, you just kilt the shelf!
    Good one!
    "The fun of a kilt is to walk, not to sit"

  7. #27
    Southern Breeze's Avatar
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    Some men secretly rent apartments for their girl friends. Kilted men ( severly addicted ones) secretly rent them for their kilt collections. Just keep a few at home to keep the wife from getting suspicious.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by KiltedCodeWarrior View Post
    So I got the shelf fixed today, and decided to re-arrange the kilts so the heaview ones were on the left close to the wall support. In doing so, I decided to take inventory. In that short 38" of shelf space I had the following kilts:

    3 UK mockers - OD, tan, and grey
    1 AK in tan with detachable sporran
    1 grey SK
    5 USAK casuals in PV - Irish National, Navy Stewart, US Navy, Cladish, US Army
    1 USAK semi-trad in PV - Black Watch (my funeral kilt)
    3 SWK heavy weights - solid green, shadow tartan, weathered Lamont
    1 SWK light weight - nightstalker
    2 PK - brown twill, grey heavy weight flannel lined
    2 Matt Newsome - X-Marks box pleat, Harris tweed box pleat
    1 light weight wool in Scottish pride
    1 med weight wool in Scottish National
    1 med weight wool in generic brown and green tartan
    1 X-Kilt in blue cloth, made by Alan H
    1 16oz Millenium tank!

    A total of 24 kilts!

    No wonder that poor shelf pulled out of the wall, that is a lot of weight! And I will be selling some of the herd (to make room for more) due to lack of use or lack of waist size. Apparently they have shrunk in the closet.
    Hmmm....and so begins the "Great Kilt Giveaway? I volunteer tohelp organize this event for a small fee...of a kilt.

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