6th August 11, 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by cruiser348
Love the new layout, but did notice one issue so far. When I tried to look at the full mask sporran selection the link didn't open.
A couple of the links in the menu seem to have been inactive. I'm fixing them as I go along. The mask sporran link should be working now.
6th August 11, 03:58 PM
My 50% discount seems to be temporarily inactive. Could you fix that, too?
6th August 11, 04:31 PM
Well, what a day! I've spent most of it going through the web site page by page fixing little bugs. The major problems should now all be taken care of.
The pages that were missing the white background behind the main text should all be fine now.
The broken links in the menu should also now be fixed.
If anyone still notices any problems with the above, try reloading your browser. If that doesn't work, and you are still having problems tomorrow (it sometimes takes the changes a while to propagate through all the servers) then let me know what specific page you are having the problem on. I'm pretty sure I've got them all.
In addition, I added a "Welcome" button to the top menu, per Dee's excellent suggestion.
One thing I have noticed is that when you click on some of the thumbnail images for various products, the popup window that is supposed to show up with the full sized image loads up as very small -- you can of course resize it to see the full image, but that's a little annoying. It only happens with some images, and not others, and it seems to be a problem with Chrome rather than IE (have not tried Firefox yet). In any case I'm not sure what the deal is there and I'm tired of staring at the computer monitor so I'm going to leave that problem for another day! :-)
Thanks for the patience today as I worked through the site upgrade, and I hope everyone enjoys our new look!
6th August 11, 10:26 PM
Matt, I just took a look, and I have to say- those grey hose with the Scottish lions are awesome!! I think I may have to buy a pair in the near future!
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.
7th August 11, 04:41 AM
In the Tweed section bottom of the second paragraph. Just found one spelling error. I like the new site, Now i just need to order a new sporran.
"Tweed woven in a coordinating solid color of your choosing from which a custom kilt jacket and waistcoat wcan be made."
7th August 11, 08:32 AM
Nicely done, sir!
A few minor notes.
Most prefixes do not take hyphens, so words like "non-profit" or "mega-store" are more appropriately "nonprofit" and "megastore" (as in your first paragraph on the main page).
There is a missing space between sentences 4 and 5 in the first para of "Some Notes About Our Gift Shop:" "...the best way to do that is by phone.Please pay attention ...."
You could even break the para there if you wanted to shorten it as someone else suggested.
Likewise, there is a space missing between the area code and the local telephone number. I've noticed, too, that you've used two different telephone formatting schemes for the local and the toll free numbers. Both are correct, but not usually in the same sentence.
7th August 11, 08:52 AM
The page where I look at the Celtic pendants, when I go to purchase one not all the listed designs are selectable in the drop down menu. Not sure if it's because the ones I like are out of stock or if it's a website issue.
7th August 11, 12:50 PM
I had hoped that the new economy sporrans would be available. Alas, it seems that many of the sporran links are broken. Is the Country Squire hiding in there somewhere?
Originally Posted by Alan H
Some days you're the bat, some days you're the watermelon.
7th August 11, 01:13 PM
Turbokiltie, thanks for the notice about the celtic pendants. All the options should be showing in the drop down menu now.
Mikilt, I'm not sure why you can't access the economy sporrans through the menu link -- they work fine when I try them. One or two of the sporran links were broken when I first uploaded the site, but they were all fixed yesterday. Try reloading your browser.
But yes, the economy sporrans, including the Country Squire, are available. Here's a direct link:
7th August 11, 01:55 PM
Don't be discouraged at the need to tweak your site Matt. At my former employer, they had a whole team of web designers, who would wait until midnight to have the new stuff go live (via a batch file run by the operations staff). You have no idea how many times those folks got wake up calls and were told to fix their stuff. And this was after supposedly testing their work before rolling it out to the production servers.
One has no need for a snooze button, when one has a hungry cat.
Tartan Riders, Kilted Oregon
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