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  1. #21
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    Re: Flying Kilted and the TSA as of November 2011

    I have found that it doesn't matter if you are kilted or not, as long as you are nice and polite at all times, you won't have any problems with the TSA.

    When my buckles set off the metal detector, the agent just smiled and said, "Buckles, right?" I confirmed it and when he asked to wand me just to be sure, I didn't put any fuss and was treated with courtesy.
    [I]When God created men, he made the intelligent ones kilted so women could tell just by looking.[/I]

  2. #22
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    Re: Flying Kilted and the TSA as of November 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by Catdad View Post
    I have found that it doesn't matter if you are kilted or not, as long as you are nice and polite at all times, you won't have any problems with the TSA.

    When my buckles set off the metal detector, the agent just smiled and said, "Buckles, right?" I confirmed it and when he asked to wand me just to be sure, I didn't put any fuss and was treated with courtesy.
    Based upon some of the comments here I am wondering what is up with LAX. That is the airport I most frequently fly out of and I have been hassled every time I wear a kilt through there. In fact when I questioned, politely, why I am being singled out all the time I had a supervisor rather aggressively advise me that this was policy. I would love to see the official TSA kilt policy. Now LAX is a very high volume airport so that may account for the less than positive attitude of the TSA staff. The other thing is that it has twice exposed the weakness in a system involving people. I get pulled out every time for a secondary inspection. Twice a male TSA staff member has been verbally jibed and been joked about doing the inspection by his peers so the inspection has been cursory at best. Fortunately I had no ill intentions but this is something that people who do wish to create harm could pick up on and exploit.

  3. #23
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    Re: Flying Kilted and the TSA as of November 2011

    Since my wife and I will be flying on New Year’s Day, I hope to be able to report positively on airport inspections on kilted passengers . . . provided she doesn’t go completely crazy an insist that I wear trousers!
    (Incidentally, to keep her quiet I wore jeans when we went out for dinner on her birthday.)
    I will bear in mind the advice about passing through the scanner sideways.
    When I go through metal scanners elsewhere, I always put my bonnet in the tray provided, otherwise the badge sets them off. My sporran (once emptied of keys, coin purse and cellphone) is no problem.
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  4. #24
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    Re: Flying Kilted and the TSA as of November 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_Oettle View Post
    My sporran (once emptied of keys, coin purse and cellphone) is no problem.
    Wouldn't you just put the whole sporran on the scanner, much as a lady's purse is scanned?
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

  5. #25
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    Re: Flying Kilted and the TSA as of November 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    Wouldn't you just put the whole sporran on the scanner, much as a lady's purse is scanned?
    That's what I have always done.
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  6. #26
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    Re: Flying Kilted and the TSA as of November 2011

    Valid point, Bill.
    The metal detectors I have been through lately were at a building entrance, and it seemed inappropriate to take the sporran off. But at the airport, it would be the logical thing to do.
    And if I wore my dress sporran, it would have to come off because of its cantle.
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  7. #27
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    Re: Flying Kilted and the TSA as of November 2011

    I just got back from a round trip to Phoenix, AZ kilted both ways. Going out from RDU was the x-ray machine but Phoenix was a pat down. Very professional and courteous. Think the TSA has finally got their act together.


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    Flying in a Kilt

    On a recent round trip flight from the mid-west to the coast, I wore my Loch Ness kilt for the whole trip. While I usually wear a shirt and tie with a kilt, this time I wore a dark navy polo shirt, black belt and black day sporran. I expected comments or remarks as the terminals and planes were crowded, but there was only one. A female gate attendant praised the kilt and gave 2 thumbs up. No problems with security.

  9. #29
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    Re: Flying Kilted and the TSA as of November 2011

    There should be no more issue with men in kilts than women in skirts or dresses, buckles excluded. I have rotated my kilt so the buckles were sort of 1.30/7.30 and removed my metal chained leather day sporran and there have been no kilt reated security problems or comments. When it comes to the camera gear, chargers etc in my back pack, sometimes it is a different issue.
    If you are going to do it, do it in a kilt!

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