A recent post regarding the differences in Scottish and American sensibilities towards wearing the kilt really made me stop and think. Since I'm an amateur historian at heart, I was a little frustrated when I realized that I have been neglecting a real goldmine, "primary sources" if you will, here at X Marks the Scot- namely, those XMarks members who have seen the kilt in its "natural" habitat: in the Scottish Highlands.

Here's my appeal to those members of XMarks who have been part of the traditional "Highland Kilted Scene" IN SCOTLAND for an extended time :

Would you be willing to put together an article, or series of articles (to be posted here:http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/k...157/index.html ) which describe, in detail, different aspects of highland dress as you have observed it/ currently observe it in the Highlands?

For example, what does "a kilt" mean to you- what weight, style, fabric choice, tartan used, etc. What styles of sporrans are appropriate for which events? What about pictures that demonstrate your descriptions? In summation, what does Scottish highland dress REALLY look like worn in Scotland?

I know that much information of this type is already contained in different threads, but there's no one comprehensive reference that new kilt-wearers can be pointed to if interested. An article of this type would be easily accessed in the future and important information would not be lost in a flurry of OT replies or other irrelevant comments.

A disclaimer:

I recognize that many here on XMarks have no interest in a normative "set of rules". I would humbly ask those folks to see this request (purposely posted in the Traditional Highland Dress forum) for what it is- a desire for a description of how kilted Scots actually dress- and not for what it is not- a decree that all those kilted must confirm to these descriptions. Even if one has no desire to dress in a traditional way, it should be helpful to understand the traditions which underlie highland dress...

