Welcome! Hope everything will be OK with ordered kilt and sporran. All the best.
I like the breeze between my knees
Thank you all for the great reception, it sure makes a stranger feel welcome! I think the kilt may turn out better than I thought, as it's now being made out of pure wool as pure wool sits better. *Rushes off to look up care instructions for wool kilts* I bet there's a forum for that somewhere here...
Good morning and welcome from the Western Slope! Nulty
Kilted Flyfishing Guide "Nothing will come of nothing, dare mighty things." Shakespeare
Welcome from Dickson, TN!
Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction.
Welcome!! I hope that you enjoy your kilt.
Welcome from Nashville,TN
Hello and welcome from Houston, TX!
from WV!
from Detroit, Michigan, USA!
[B]Paul Murray[/B] Kilted in Detroit! Now that's tough.... LOL
Greetings from Greensboro NC
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