Hair can certainly be a Kilt Accessory. Long hair maybe kinda goes with female fantasies from kilts and bodice-ripper novels....hope, hope, hope...

Mostly I just wear mine in a pony tail. Have metal Celtic design hair tie thingies but the thin bands they need to work are rough on hair and gave them up for the less damaging plain hair ties.

Its fun to wear my long hair down, particularly with them Ren type shirts...

Or, when at a Ren Faire have it French Braided...

When I used to work at the walk-in psychiatric crisis center down down in Phoenix one of the nurses used to love to French braid my hair and would do so whenever things were quiet. Of course the clients that showed up after would stare...maybe it helped them readjust to reality wondering what was up with the olde guy in French braids.

Not all ladies know how to French braid, but they all know how to do a regular braid and seem to enjoy it. Its also a great way to wear long hair when its very windy out. Or assuming the position for a kilt inspection.

I often also wear my hair in a Navajo bun. That's common for men around here. Don't have a pic of it. You basically fold the pony tail up a bunch of times so the result is a fist size wad of hair hanging from where your pony tail hair tie is. Then you wrap one or two hair ties around the wad to hold it. Great for swimming or hot tubbing to keep the long hair from coming loose and messing up the pool or hot tub filter. The Navajo bun is also good in windy situations or where you want your hair out of the way.

So...who else has long hair and how do you wear it with your kilts?
