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  1. #51
    elijah is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Not arrested but stopped twice during my campaign.

    In one poor neighborhood that I entered where the first house had a door mat that said, "Go Away", people were suspicious of the guy in the kilt. I'd knock on the door and if no one was there, I'd leave my literature on the door. The officer said some people had had their houses broke into and the criminal would knock on the door and if there was no answer, break down the door. I felt sorry for these people because of the decay of society.

    In a rich neighborhood near a country club, the entire neighborhood was extremely unfriendly and I had the sense that even those who answered the door had no time for commoners. After the officer stopped me, I soon left that particular neighborhood in disgust, vowing never to return.

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ugly Bear
    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish Sporrano
    I am touching wood as I type this - I knew my third hand would come in useful one day!!
    Hmmm ... does "wood" mean the same thing in Queen's English as it does in the States? If so, I am shocked by your explicitness. If this raunchy demeanor of yours does not change, I shall be forced to request your removal from this forum!

    BTW, how much wood were you touching?
    This is too damn funny, thank goodness I wasn't drinking anything when I read it.

    Rob Wright

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ugly Bear
    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish Sporrano
    I am touching wood as I type this - I knew my third hand would come in useful one day!!
    Hmmm ... does "wood" mean the same thing in Queen's English as it does in the States? If so, I am shocked by your explicitness. If this raunchy demeanor of yours does not change, I shall be forced to request your removal from this forum!

    BTW, how much wood were you touching?
    This is too damn funny, thank goodness I wasn't drinking anything when I read it.

    Rob Wright

  4. #54
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ugly Bear
    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish Sporrano
    I am touching wood as I type this - I knew my third hand would come in useful one day!!
    Hmmm ... does "wood" mean the same thing in Queen's English as it does in the States? If so, I am shocked by your explicitness. If this raunchy demeanor of yours does not change, I shall be forced to request your removal from this forum!

    BTW, how much wood were you touching?
    This is too damn funny, thank goodness I wasn't drinking anything when I read it.

    Rob Wright

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