22nd February 07, 10:55 AM
She found out the whole truth of the matter yesterday... It was all laid out.
Today, it is sinking in, now that some of the drugs and stuff have cleared up.
I wish I knew what to say to her to make her feel better.
22nd February 07, 11:18 AM
I know I am unable to heal her and your pain, but I will keep you in prayer and wish you the best of luck in this unfortunate situaation. May everything turn out alright and I hope that you can hang strong, your wife will need you as her pillar in these hard time.
22nd February 07, 11:38 AM
Well, quite frankly there's nothing for me to say that wouldn't seem trite and insincere. Just know I'm very sorry and I hope your wife makes a full recovery.
22nd February 07, 11:54 AM
I'm getting to this post late, but Dread, the most important things you can do are to BE THERE and NEVER GIVE UP. Finding the 'right words" is jsut not all that important. Do the right thing and be the best man you can be for her. Nobody can ask for more.
...support her as she fights this, to the very best of both of your abilities.
Prayers, strength and wisdom, Dread....
22nd February 07, 11:54 AM
Life never seems to be what we expect. Some times, glorious highs and happiness and other times, harsh news and danger.
I agree that you have beat the odds many times before. You are a wonderful support to the missus and she must know you love her and want only what is best. Let this unfold. The future will be what it is. Children will come to you in their own way, in the proper timing. Right now, all your energy needs to go to your wife and to your SELF. Stay strong and trust in the future.
Prayers and good <<vibes>> coming your way. Scot
22nd February 07, 01:42 PM
Dread, I am so sorry to hear about all this. I'm late coming to this thread but please know that I will be praying for both of you.
Quondo Omni Flunkus Moritati
22nd February 07, 03:21 PM
I got to thinking after finding out that my wife could bleed to death about how important it is to donate blood and plasma. There is a critical shortage of them in this area the hospital said. I wasn't thinking so much about my wife at that moment, but also other people in the same boat, and kind of got a lump in my throat thinking about somebody losing somebody they loved because of a lack of blood or plasma or whatever they needed.
Rather than sit back and feel the shudders about such a terrible thought, I did something about it. I found out that a plasma donation center is just a few blocks away from me. I am going to start offering up all the plasma I can muster. The idea of losing my wife drives me crazy, I wouldn't want any other soul to ever have to feel that soul draining feeling.
I think I'll make it a goal to be a twice a weeker.
22nd February 07, 04:30 PM
Dread my brother: To the extent that it makes a difference (and it's made a difference for me, in the past), know that we love you and the Snakey One. I remember, once upon a time, years and years ago, when I was about sixteen and in love and unhappy and drunk on neat gin (as in love, and unhappy, and drunk on neat gin as only a sixteen year old boychik can be), and I said, aloud, "Surely no one has ever suffered as I am suffering now, surely no one has ever felt as bad as I am feeling now."
You know what? I meant it too. In my defense, I'll say that, right after I said the no one had ever suffered, etc., I spewed gin right out of my mouth and said, aloud once more, "Lew, you are so full of rabbit pellets." (Well, I didn't say "rabbit pellets.")
Every day I live I try and find joy. Most days, it's not too hard. Some days, when the black dogs come to sit with me (the metaphorical black dogs, you'll understand, not BC and Lucy who are our actual black dogs), it's a long hard slog.
John Carter of Mars always said, "While I live, there is yet hope!"
Love on your Snakey Haired Goddess. Love her as much as you can, and then some more. Love her, and let her love you, and do things together, love her until she's gone or until you're gone or until this spinning mudball is gone.
To a fair degree, all of the foregoing is horse puckey, but I mean every word of it. We love you, bro.
22nd February 07, 04:36 PM
 Originally Posted by Dreadbelly
...I wish I knew what to say to her to make her feel better.
Just having someone who loves her as much as you do and being with her is far more powerful than any words.
Again my thoughts and good wishes to you both.
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
22nd February 07, 04:47 PM
Wishing your wife & you the best of luck. You will be in our thoughts.
I used-to donate blood quite a bit, they always wanted my O neg.
Now because of the RSV that nearly killed me & destroyed my lungs ext. they wont take it anymore.
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