By the light of the silvery moon - Doris Day will I get to the games on time?
proud U.S. Navy vet Creag ab Sgairbh
Im Late! ---- Alice in Wonderland sang by many people though the ages By car, train or plane?
"Greater understanding properly leads to an increasing sense of responsibility, and not to arrogance."
Leaving on a Jet Plane - Peter, Paul & Mary If a man speaks in the forest and there is no woman to hear him, is he still wrong?
The Rev. William B. Henry, Jr. "With Your Shield or On It!"
Somethings Always Wrong ---- Toad the Wet Sprocket Given that men are always wrong, who is right?
Woman -- John Lennon Has the mail (post) arrived yet?
Last edited by Mikilt; 9th July 12 at 07:58 PM.
Originally Posted by Alan H Some days you're the bat, some days you're the watermelon.
Please Mr Postman ---- The Marvelettes Do I really want to lick that?
Lick My Love Pump - Spinal Tap (FTW) Tongue or no tongue?
Felt Good on My Lips ---- Tim McGraw Falling from an airplane at terminal velocity, how hard is the water?
Like a Rock -- Bob Seger How high is that mountain?
Sky Pilot - The Doors How deep is the ocean?
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