I saw the show too, Phil, but only after being advised of Nick's kilt wearing in an urgent 'phone call from Dave W. It's not really my sort of programme. Oh, and it's Nick Knowles, by the way. One of the 'blokiest' blokes on our TV. He said he was wearing the kilt because a friend of his, in Aberdeen, had told him he would get his vote if he did! Actually, he looked fantastic, wore it well and was completely at ease and comfortable in it. I too would like to identify the tartan, which was not symetrical. The colours were gorgeous - a touch of Buchanan, Ancient Colours!
Here are two 'snaps' I quickly took of the TV screen. Can anyone identify the tartan? Matt? Todd?

[B][I][U]No. of Kilts[/U][/I][/B][I]:[/I] 102.[I] [B]"[U][B]Title[/B]"[/U][/B][/I]: Lord Hamish Bicknell, Laird of Lochaber / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Scottish Tartans Authority / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society / [U][I][B]Member:[/B][/I][/U] The Ardbeg Committee / [I][B][U]My NEW Photo Album[/U]: [/B][/I][COLOR=purple]Sadly, and with great regret, it seems my extensive and comprehensive album may now have been lost forever![/COLOR]/