Yesterday the wife had around several women friends to chat about something or other for a local fete. A few of these I had never met before. They would all be in their 30/40 's. It was a beautiful warm sunny day and I was planning on evacuating to the pub and sitting it out there in the beer garden (with some Brains SA Bitter) while they had their meeting. Anyhow the wife ask me to do a little repair job quickly in the kitchen before they came... will only take a few mins she said. That took a little while longer than planned (which is usually the case when the wife mentions things like this). By the time I had finished everyone had arrived. I had my kilt on and the thought crossed my mind about changing co's all these women were in the house. It was just one of those moments .. be it only for a little while I felt marooned and unconfident. Unfortunately I would have to go through the room they were in to get to my jeans. I had cold beers in the fridge so I decided to go for it and sit it out in the garden instead. When they finished everyone just piled out the kitchen and garden chatting. Again there was nothing to fear ... nothing was mentioned about my kilt apart from the three women I had never met who complimented me on my kilt and were asking how often I wear it etc. They thought it was great that I did. What I was surprised with though, everyone was in jeans/cargo pants. What with all the dogs milling around as well (2 are ours and the others came along) it made for yet another interesting afternoon. I said to the wife after how is it everyone seems to wear jeans these days .. her reply was 'that is what most women find comfortable... just the same as you find your kilt comfortable, who cares anyway'.
Makes you think does'nt it ..