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Thread: Dark doings Pt2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    21st May 04
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    Talking Dark doings Pt2


    If you haven’t read Pt1 you won’t know what I’. talking about so read it first.

    ….The discussions started. I’d said to begin with that Sten Rune had to pay for his mistakes (Boo Hiss) After investing a large portion of the afternoon on just decorating the lid. I rather liked it myself. I offered to buy it .Well we couldn’t decide who should have it and the discussions ran on for some time with lots of soul searching and wailing and gnashing of teeth. The upshot of it was the decorated lid was consigned to the large bin of good ideas which may come to something one day……..

    Scene shift….workshop several weeks later we scrapped though Christmas both of us and a good time was had by all …not to mention New years …so I won’t.

    We had seen some picture on the net of a two coloured sporran which looked rather fine and began to think …Hey! we can do that too. So more coffee and cardboard and plastic cut outs later we where ready to have a go for real. We where about to make a black sporran with a green insert in the front with a green gusset. We’d cut a pattern from Perspex and found a front just ripe for the cut we wanted. (A front from an earlier project) It looked really great ready for sewing….

    A stunned silence went though the workshop as Sten Rune fired up the sewing machine he took some deep breaths muttered something in Norwegian he trod on the pedal and the beast roared into life. Then all the lights went out……………

    More tomorrow……
    All the Best.....David.
    Why be part of the crowd Choose a Freelander Sporran
    A Member of the Caledonian Society of Norway
    My Photo Gallery Flickr

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freelander Sporrano
    ...he trod on the pedal and the beast roared into life. Then all the lights went out……………

    More tomorrow……

    This is GREAT stuff! It's probably not real funny over there, but the reading is fantastic!

    Good things come to those who wait. This stuff is going to be FANTASTIC!!!
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    29th April 04
    Denver, Colorado USA
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    Don't leave us in suspense, did the lights go out because of a power failure or were your wives upset?

    Waiting breathlessly for the next episode!
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.


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