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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    New member with a new kilt

    This is kind of the same intro id did on another kilt forum so If it looks the same it is!

    Greetings from Tulsa, Oklahoma. My name is Charles and I have just purchased (and wore) my first kilt in the last week. I'd like to thank the members of the board for assisting me with making an educated first purchase. While I did not ask questions directly, I was able to find everything I needed within the pages of this forum.

    A little about me:

    I am of Scottish and Irish decent so I've got the best of both worlds covered! I'm 32 years old and work as a K-9 Sgt. with a local Police Department.

    The kilt I decided on was the Stillwater Standard in Black Watch tartan. I will post a review elsewhere but suffice to say it arrived in two days, was worn on the 3rd, and was "kilted" within the hour! I had expected such behavior since I was meeting friends at a pub where my buddy’s play and had taken measures, a la boxer shorts, to protect the crowd from my white ****.

    I got the usual jokes from guys at the pub but this quickly ceased. I would say within the first hour in the pub every female patron and staff member had found there way to my location! Topic of discussion? Well of course it was the kilt.
    All questions were handled in the utmost professional manner.......one could muster......at a pub........in Tulsa, OK.!!!!
    Needless to say I never heard any more comments from the men about my "skirt". In fact three guys came up asking about the tradition, where to buy such an item, and so on. Good to hear.

    I was nervous at first but the comfort quickly took over. l love wearing the kilt! Comfort beyond belief. I have plans on two more to be ordered in the next week.

    Again I'd like to thank all that post for the inspiration and information that helped me make a good decision. Those of you gone ahead have set me a great path from which to start.! Here we go!

  2. #2
    Graham's Avatar
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    Hi there Charles, great to hear your story, it's fantastic to hear of lads wearing the kilt for the first time and doing well.

    Just be ware, they are very addictive, you'll soon not want to take it off.
    I wear mine to bed, it's ruined my marriage :sad:;)

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Welcome, great story.

    What does your pooch think of the kilt?? :confused:

    Another former cop on this board.
    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Charles has a new kilt, congratulations (as you have already been warned, it will not be the last).

    WELCOME to this fiesty bunch!
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Great story. Welcome!
    [B]Paul Murray[/B]
    Kilted in Detroit! Now that's tough.... LOL

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Welcome aboard...

    I have found that my pooch has a thing for coming up to me and trying to stick his head under my kilt to drop a toy for me to throw. There's nothing like a soggy tennis ball to the pods.

    Hopefully yours is better trained (and not just because it's a K-9...)


  7. #7
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    Welcome, and it sounds like the first outing was a winner!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Thanks guys. Kind of a funny about that night and dogs:

    My friend who owns the pub had found a little stray puppy about 6 weeks old. While looking at it a nice young lady came up to pet it (the dog!). I placed the pup on the ground and we both knelt starting a flirtatious conversation. Guess the first place the dog went? Right up the kilt, quickly raising his head! We both smiled and I told her it was now her turn to show me!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by deadelvis
    This is kind of the same intro id did on another kilt forum so If it looks the same it is!

    Greetings from Tulsa, Oklahoma. My name is Charles and I have just purchased (and wore) my first kilt in the last week. I'd like to thank the members of the board for assisting me with making an educated first purchase. While I did not ask questions directly, I was able to find everything I needed within the pages of this forum.

    A little about me:

    I am of Scottish and Irish decent so I've got the best of both worlds covered! I'm 32 years old and work as a K-9 Sgt. with a local Police Department.

    The kilt I decided on was the Stillwater Standard in Black Watch tartan. I will post a review elsewhere but suffice to say it arrived in two days, was worn on the 3rd, and was "kilted" within the hour! I had expected such behavior since I was meeting friends at a pub where my buddy’s play and had taken measures, a la boxer shorts, to protect the crowd from my white ****.

    I got the usual jokes from guys at the pub but this quickly ceased. I would say within the first hour in the pub every female patron and staff member had found there way to my location! Topic of discussion? Well of course it was the kilt.
    All questions were handled in the utmost professional manner.......one could muster......at a pub........in Tulsa, OK.!!!!
    Needless to say I never heard any more comments from the men about my "skirt". In fact three guys came up asking about the tradition, where to buy such an item, and so on. Good to hear.

    I was nervous at first but the comfort quickly took over. l love wearing the kilt! Comfort beyond belief. I have plans on two more to be ordered in the next week.

    Again I'd like to thank all that post for the inspiration and information that helped me make a good decision. Those of you gone ahead have set me a great path from which to start.! Here we go!
    Maybe of interest to you?There are two tartens worn by THE ROYAL HIGHLAND REGIMENT,The Black Watch.The pipers of the regiment wear The Royal Stuart tartan ,others wear government tartan.

  10. #10
    An t-Ileach's Avatar
    An t-Ileach is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by deadelvis
    This is kind of the same intro id did on another kilt forum so If it looks the same it is!...
    There's another kilt forum!
    Imagine my horror.

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