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Thread: Scottish Doves

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Scottish Doves

    Could anyone tell me how I might find some information on the history of the Dove family in Scotland? They are supposed to have associated with the Buchanans, but that's all I could find.

    Before anyone asks, my Dove line comes from England, so I have no family ties, unless way back when someone moved south. I am just looking for general information about this family.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  2. #2
    An t-Ileach's Avatar
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    Could the Scottish family be a variant spelling of Duff, as in Duff/MacDuff (Clann Dubh) as the Gaelic actually sounds closer to Dove than Duff (it's the same word as in sgian dhubh)?


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